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RecurrenceInfo Class

Contains a recurring appointment's recurrence information.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v14.2.Core.dll


public class RecurrenceInfo :


The RecurrenceInfo class encapsulates information about the recurrences of a recurring appointment. All the recurrence attributes are defined via the RecurrenceInfo class' properties. These properties can be divided into the following three groups, according to their designation and if they appear within the Appointment Recurrence dialog.

Group Name Property
Range of Recurrence RecurrenceInfo.Range (the determinant property),RecurrenceInfo.Start,RecurrenceInfo.End,RecurrenceInfo.Duration,RecurrenceInfo.OccurrenceCount
Recurrence Pattern RecurrenceInfo.Type (the determinant property),RecurrenceInfo.WeekOfMonth,RecurrenceInfo.WeekDays,RecurrenceInfo.Periodicity,RecurrenceInfo.Month,RecurrenceInfo.DayNumber
Auxiliary RecurrenceInfo.AllDay,RecurrenceInfo.Id

The data that the RecurrenceInfo class provides is sufficient to calculate a particular appointment's recurrence.

An instance of the RecurrenceInfo class can be accessed via a recurring appointment's Appointment.RecurrenceInfo property.

To specify recurrence information for an appointment, you should not create a RecurrenceInfo instance. It is created automatically for the appointment's pattern. See the How to: Create Appointments with Various Recurrence Types Programmatically topic for more information.


See Also