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RangeBarSeriesLabel Members

Stores range bar series label settings.


Name Description
RangeBarSeriesLabel() Initializes a new instance of the RangeBarSeriesLabel class.

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Name Description
BehaviorProperty static Identifies the Behavior bindable property. Inherited from BarSeriesLabelBase.
IndentProperty static Identifies the Indent bindable property. Inherited from SeriesLabel.
KindProperty static Identifies the Kind bindable property.
PositionProperty static Identifies the Position bindable property.
StyleProperty static Identifies the Style bindable property. Inherited from BarSeriesLabelBase.
TextPatternProperty static Identifies the TextPattern bindable property. Inherited from SeriesLabel.
TextProviderProperty static Identifies the TextProvider bindable property. Inherited from SeriesLabel.
VisibleProperty static Identifies the Visible bindable property. Inherited from SeriesLabel.

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Name Description
Behavior Gets or sets the behavior of series labels relative to bars. Inherited from BarSeriesLabelBase.
Indent Inherited from SeriesLabel.
Kind Gets or sets which range bar values (minimum, maximum, or both) series labels should display.
Position Gets or sets the position of series labels relative to bars.
Style Gets or sets bar series label appearance settings. Inherited from BarSeriesLabelBase.
TextPattern Gets or sets a text pattern for series point labels. Inherited from SeriesLabel.
TextProvider Allows you to specify a rule used to generate custom text strings for series labels. Inherited from SeriesLabel.
Visible Inherited from SeriesLabel.
See Also