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Legend Members

Stores chart legend settings.


Name Description
Legend() Initializes a new instance of the Legend class with default settings.


Name Description
HorizontalPositionProperty static Identifies the HorizontalPosition bindable property.
OrientationProperty static Identifies the Orientation bindable property.
StyleProperty static Identifies the Style bindable property.
VerticalPositionProperty static Identifies the VerticalPosition bindable property.
VisibleProperty static Identifies the Visible bindable property.


Name Description
HorizontalPosition Gets or sets the horizontal position of the legend relative to the chart diagram.
Orientation Specifies whether legend items are arranged in a column (from the top to the bottom) or row (from the left to the right).
Style Gets or sets the legend appearance settings.
VerticalPosition Gets or sets the vertical position of the legend relative to the chart diagram.
Visible Specifies whether the legend is visible.
See Also