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AreaSeriesStyle Members

Stores area series appearance settings.


Name Description
AreaSeriesStyle() Initializes a new instance of the AreaSeriesStyle class with default settings.

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Name Description
AlphaProperty static Identifies the Alpha bindable property.
FillEffectProperty static Identifies the FillEffect dependency property.
FillProperty static Identifies the Fill bindable property.
MarkerSizeProperty static Identifies the MarkerSize bindable property. Inherited from PointSeriesStyle.
MarkerStyleProperty static Identifies the MarkerStyle bindable property. Inherited from PointSeriesStyle.
StrokeProperty static Identifies the Stroke bindable property. Inherited from LineSeriesStyle.
StrokeThicknessProperty static Identifies the StrokeThickness bindable property. Inherited from LineSeriesStyle.

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Name Description
Alpha Gets or sets the transparency (alpha channel) of the filled area.
Fill Gets or sets the area fill color.
FillEffect Allows you to apply a transparency gradient to the filled area.
MarkerSize Gets or sets the size of series point markers. Inherited from PointSeriesStyle.
MarkerStyle Gets or sets appearance settings of point markers. Inherited from PointSeriesStyle.
Stroke Gets or sets the line color. Inherited from LineSeriesStyle.
StrokeThickness Gets or sets the line thickness. Inherited from LineSeriesStyle.
See Also