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Lesson 4: Create Custom Labels

  • 2 minutes to read

A label specifies the background color of an appointment’s rectangle. Users can assign labels to appointments to categorize and identify them. A scheduler view provides a set of predefined labels, but you can replace them with custom labels.

Open the solution created in Lesson 2 and follow the steps below to bind the scheduler to a collection of custom labels.

#Prepare a Data Source

  1. Add the MedicalAppointmentType class that represents a custom label.
  2. Create an observable collection of custom label objects.
  3. Use a custom label object to specify an appointment instance’s label.

    using Xamarin.Forms;
    // ...
    namespace Scheduler_GettingStarted {
        // ... 
        public class MedicalAppointmentType {
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public string Caption { get; set; }
            public Color Color { get; set; }
        public class ReceptionDeskData {
            // ...
            public static string[] AppointmentTypes = { "Hospital", "Office", 
                                                        "Phone Consultation", 
                                                        "Home", "Hospice" };
            public static Color[] AppointmentTypeColors = { Color.FromHex("#dfcfe9"), 
                                                            Color.FromHex("#c8f4ff") };
            void CreateLabels() {
                ObservableCollection<MedicalAppointmentType> result = 
                                                    new ObservableCollection<MedicalAppointmentType>();
                int count = AppointmentTypes.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    MedicalAppointmentType appointmentType = new MedicalAppointmentType();
                    appointmentType.Id = i;
                    appointmentType.Caption = AppointmentTypes[i];
                    appointmentType.Color = AppointmentTypeColors[i];
                Labels = result;
            // ...
            MedicalAppointment CreateMedicAppointment(int appointmentId, string patientName,
                                                        DateTime start, TimeSpan duration, int room) {
                MedicalAppointment medicalAppointment = new MedicalAppointment();
                medicalAppointment.Id = appointmentId;
                medicalAppointment.StartTime = start;
                medicalAppointment.EndTime = start.Add(duration);
                medicalAppointment.Subject = patientName;
                // Assign a custom label to an appointment
                medicalAppointment.LabelId = Labels[rnd.Next(0, 5)].Id; 
                if (medicalAppointment.LabelId != 3)
                    medicalAppointment.Location = String.Format("{0}", room);
                return medicalAppointment;
            // ...
            public ObservableCollection<MedicalAppointmentType> Labels { get; private set; }
            public ReceptionDeskData() {
                // ...
  4. Add a property that returns the collection of appointment labels to a view model.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    namespace Scheduler_GettingStarted {
        public class ReceptionDeskViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged {
            // ...
            public IReadOnlyList<MedicalAppointmentType> AppointmentTypes { get => data.Labels; }
            public ReceptionDeskViewModel() {
                data = new ReceptionDeskData();
            // ...

#Bind Scheduler to Data

In the MainPage.xaml file:

  1. Bind the DataSource.AppointmentLabelsSource property to the view model’s AppointmentTypes property.
  2. Use the DataSource.AppointmentLabelMappings property to map appointment label properties to the MedicalAppointmentType class properties.
<ContentPage xmlns=""
            <dxsch:SchedulerDataStorage x:Name="storage">
                    <dxsch:DataSource AppointmentsSource="{Binding MedicalAppointments}"
                                      AppointmentLabelsSource="{Binding AppointmentTypes}">
                        <!-- ... -->

The scheduler applies custom colors to appointments.

Custom Labels