Microsoft will end Xamarin-related support services on May 1, 2024 and shift development focus to the .NET MAUI platform.
Based on Microsoft’s decision, we highly recommend those using Xamarin.Forms to consider our .NET MAUI Component Suite for existing/new mobile projects. DevExpress .NET MAUI Data Editors Suite supports many of the features/capabilities available in Xamarin.Forms Data Editors Suite.
Please refer to the following help topic when you are ready to migrate your DevExpress Xamarin.Forms-based application to .NET MAUI: Migration from Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI.
The DevExpress Editors for Xamarin.Forms library includes the following controls:
| Class

| TextEdit A single-line text editor.

| MultilineEdit An editor that displays and allows users to edit multi-line text.

| PasswordEdit An editor that allows users to enter and manage passwords.

| ComboBoxEdit A combo box editor.

| AutoCompleteEdit A text editor that suggests values as a user enters characters into the edit box.

| NumericEdit An editor that displays a numeric value and allows a user to edit the value (enter a number in the edit box or use spin buttons to decrease/increase the value).

| DateEdit An editor that displays a date in a specific format. Users can select a date within a cross-platform customizable date picker.

| TimeEdit An editor that allows users to specify a time. Supports the 12- and 24-hour formats.

| CheckEdit A checkbox that supports the indeterminate state.

| Chip A chip that allows users to trigger an action.

| ChoiceChipGroup A chip group that allows users to select a single chip.

| FilterChipGroup A chip group that allows users to select multiple chips.

| InputChipGroup A chip group that allows users to input a new chip.

| SimpleButton A simple button.
Watch Video: Get Started with Data Editors
View Example: DevExpress Data Editors for Xamarin.Forms