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CrosshairHintBehavior Properties

Defines the crosshair hint behavior.
Name Description
ArgumentLabelVisible Gets or sets whether the argument label is visible on the chart. This is a bindable property.
ArgumentLineVisible Gets or sets whether the argument line is visible on the chart. This is a bindable property.

Gets or sets an object that contains the properties that will be targeted by the bound properties that belong to this BindableObject. This is a bindable property.

Inherited from BindableObject.

Gets the dispatcher that was available when this bindable object was created, otherwise tries to find the nearest available dispatcher (probably the window’s/app’s).

Inherited from BindableObject.
GroupHeaderTextPattern Gets or sets the text pattern for the group header of the crosshair label. This is a bindable property.
GroupHeaderVisible Gets or sets whether the group header is visible inside the crosshair label. This is a bindable property.
HighlightPoint Gets or sets whether the chart highlights the series point when the crosshair cursor hovers over it. This is a bindable property.
LabelPosition Gets or sets the position of the crosshair label on the chart. This is a bindable property.
MaxSeriesCount Gets or sets the highest number of series listed in the crosshair label. This is a bindable property.
ValueLabelVisible Gets or sets whether the value label is visible on the chart. This is a bindable property.
ValueLineVisible Gets or sets whether the value line is visible on the chart. This is a bindable property.
See Also