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DevExpress.Maui.Gauges Namespace

Contains classes and interfaces that implement RadialGauge functionality.

Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.Gauges.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.Gauges


Name Description
CustomDrawEventArgs Contains data for the CustomDraw event.
CustomDrawIndicatorEventArgs Contains data for CustomDraw events.
CustomDrawRangeIndicatorEventArgs Contains data for the CustomDraw event.
CustomizeTickmarkEventArgs Contains data for the CustomizeTickmark event.
CustomizeTickmarkLabelEventArgs Contains data for the CustomizeTickmarkLabel event.
IndicatorBase The base class for RadialGauge indicators.
IndicatorBase<T> A base class for the DevExpress.Maui.Gauges.RadialGauge indicators.
MarkerIndicator A Radial Gauge indicator that points a marker to the specified value.
NeedleIndicator A Radial Gauge indicator that points a needle to the specified value.
RadialGauge A Radial Gauge control.
RadialProgressBar A circular progress bar.
RadialScale A circular scale within the Radial Gauge control.
RangeIndicator A Radial Gauge indicator that highlights the specified range of values.
ValueIndicatorBase The base class for gauge indicators.


Name Description
RadialScaleElementPosition Lists values that define the text/marker position.