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PieHint Class

Stores appearance settings of pie chart hints.

Namespace: DevExpress.Maui.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.Charts.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.Charts


public class PieHint :

The following members return PieHint objects:


A hint is a small pop-up rectangle that shows information about a tapped series or point. The pie chart displays its hints as tooltips. Pie Chart Tooltips

How to: Enable Hints in the Pie Chart

  1. Create a new PieHint object and assign it to the PieChartView.Hint property.
  2. Set the Enabled property to True.
  3. Use the ShowMode property to specify a gesture on which the pie chart shows the hint.
    <dxc:PieHint Enabled="True" ShowMode="OnTap" />

How to: Customize the Hint Appearance

This example shows how to customize the appearance of pie chart hints. To do this, assign a PieHintStyle object with the specified properties to the PieHint.Style property:

        <dxc:PieHint Enabled="True" ShowMode="OnTap">
                <dxc:PieHintStyle BackgroundColor="#424651"

Use the following properties of the PieHintStyle object to configure the hint appearance:




Gets or sets the hint label’s background color. This is a bindable property.


Gets or sets the hint’s label padding. This is a bindable property.


Gets or sets the hint’s marker size. This is a bindable property.


Gets or sets the indent between a hint marker and text. This is a bindable property.

Pie Hint Style

See Also