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You are viewing help content for pre-release software. This document and the features it describes are subject to change. .

Breaking Change Policy

When we change API in DevExpress .NET MAUI Controls, we can make a member obsolete. This process includes three steps:

  1. In the next minor update, we apply an ObsoleteAttribute to the member. It hides the member from IntelliSense and displays a compilation warning when you build your application. To resolve this warning, replace the obsolete member as suggested in the warning message.

  2. In the next major release, we set the ObsoleteAttribute‘s error parameter to true. This parameter forces a complication error if you continue to reference the corresponding obsolete member.

  3. In the following major release, we remove the obsolete member.


If you reference an obsolete member in a XAML file, compilation does not fail as described in step 2 above. The reason for this behavior is a bug in the .NET MAUI platform (review bug description on GitHub). We are monitoring this issue and waiting for a fix. Until then, we do not enforce steps 2 and 3 of the flow described above.

Breaking Change Tickets

We create a “breaking change” ticket when an API member becomes obsolete. Refer to the following page to review the list of DevExpress .NET MAUI breaking change tickets: DevExpress .NET MAUI Version History.