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CandleStickSeries Events

Displays an Open-High-Low-Close typical financial series so that each data point consists of a vertical line indicating the price range over one unit of time and a rectangle showing the opening and closing prices for that time period.
Name Description
BindingContextChanged Occurs when the value of the BindingContext property changes. Inherited from BindableObject.
ChildAdded Raised whenever a child element is added to the element. Inherited from Element.
ChildRemoved Raised whenever a child element is removed from the element. Inherited from Element.
DescendantAdded Raised whenever a child element is added to the element’s subtree. Inherited from Element.
DescendantRemoved Raised whenever a child element is removed from the elements subtree. Inherited from Element.
PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. Inherited from BindableObject.
PropertyChanging Occurs when a property value is changing. Inherited from BindableObject.
See Also