Chart Item - Scale Breaks
- 8 minutes to read
This topic describes how to create a custom property for a dashboard item. In this example, the custom property enables or disables scale breaks for the selected Chart item in the WinForms Dashboard Designer. A Boolean property is used in the example, so you can click the Ribbon button to change Chart’s behavior.
#Create the Custom Functionality Module
The code is organized in a separate module you can integrate into any dashboard application.
Create the ChartScaleBreakModule class that serves as a custom functionality module and contains:
- a dashboard control that you pass as a parameter when you register the module,
- a custom property’s unique name,
- event subscriptions that are used to provide custom functionality,
- a ribbon in which you add a button to edit custom property’s value.
You can use the IDashboard
Add control elements to the Ribbon / Toolbar to change the custom property’s value in the Dashboard Designer’s UI.
In this example, the AddBarItem method places the Scale Break button in the Custom Properties ribbon group on the Chart’s Design page.
public class ChartScaleBreakModule {
public static readonly string PropertyName = "ScaleBreak";
readonly DashboardDesigner designer;
BarCheckItem barItem;
public ChartScaleBreakModule(DashboardDesigner designer, SvgImage barImage = null) {
this.designer = designer;
RibbonControl ribbon = (RibbonControl)designer.MenuManager;
RibbonPage page = ribbon.GetDashboardRibbonPage(DashboardBarItemCategory.ChartTools, DashboardRibbonPage.Design);
RibbonPageGroup group = page.GetGroupByName("Custom Properties");
if(group == null) {
group = new RibbonPageGroup("Custom Properties") { Name = "Custom Properties" };
barItem = CreateBarItem("Scale Break", barImage);
barItem.ItemClick += ChangeCustomPropertyValue;
designer.DashboardItemControlUpdated += Designer_DashboardItemControlUpdated;
designer.DashboardItemSelected += Designer_DashboardItemSelected;
designer.DashboardCustomPropertyChanged += Designer_DashboardCustomPropertyChanged;
BarCheckItem CreateBarItem(string caption, SvgImage barImage) {
BarCheckItem barItem = new BarCheckItem();
barItem.Caption = caption;
barItem.ImageOptions.SvgImage = barImage;
return barItem;
#Save the Custom Property’s Value to a Dashboard
In this example, the property’s value is stored in the DashboardItem.CustomProperties collection.
Use the DashboardDesigner.AddToHistory method to record a new custom property’s value and save the action to the Dashboard Designer’s history when a user changes the value. This method calls the CustomProperties.SetValue method and adds the information to the history item. You can undo/redo this action like other user actions.
void ChangeCustomPropertyValue(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) {
DashboardItem dashboardItem = designer.SelectedDashboardItem;
bool newValue = !Convert.ToBoolean(dashboardItem.CustomProperties.GetValue(PropertyName));
string status = newValue ? "enabled" : "disabled";
CustomPropertyHistoryItem historyItem = new CustomPropertyHistoryItem(dashboardItem, PropertyName, newValue.ToString(), $"Scale break for {dashboardItem.ComponentName} is {status}");
#Apply the Custom Property’s Value to the Underlying Control
Handle the DashboardDesigner.DashboardItemControlUpdated event to access the underlying Chart control. Call the CustomProperties.GetValue method to get the AutoScaleBreaks property’s value. Update the Chart’s options according to this value:
void Designer_DashboardItemControlUpdated(object sender, DashboardItemControlEventArgs e) {
if(e.ChartControl != null)
UpdateChartScaleBreaks(designer.Dashboard.Items[e.DashboardItemName], e.ChartControl.Diagram);
void UpdateChartScaleBreaks(DashboardItem dashboardItem, Diagram chartDiagram) {
if (chartDiagram is XYDiagram diagram){
bool scaleBreakEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean(dashboardItem.CustomProperties.GetValue(PropertyName));
diagram.SecondaryAxesY[0].AutoScaleBreaks.Enabled = scaleBreakEnabled;
#Update the Bar Item
Create the UpdateBarItem method to update the bar item’s checked state according to the property’s value. The bar item should be checked if this property is enabled.
- Handle the DashboardDesigner.DashboardCustomPropertyChanged event to update the bar item each time the custom property’s value changes.
- Subscribe to the DashboardDesigner.DashboardItemSelected event to update the bar item’s checked state when you select another Chart item.
void UpdateBarItem() {
if (designer.SelectedDashboardItem != null)
barItem.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(designer.SelectedDashboardItem.CustomProperties.GetValue(PropertyName));
void Designer_DashboardCustomPropertyChanged(object sender, CustomPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
if(e.Name == PropertyName)
void Designer_DashboardItemSelected(object sender, DevExpress.DashboardWin.ServiceModel.DashboardItemSelectedEventArgs e) {
#Register the Custom Functionality Module
The code below is a complete module you need to add the Chart item’s Scale Break option:
using System;
using DevExpress.DashboardCommon;
using DevExpress.DashboardWin;
using DevExpress.Utils.Svg;
using DevExpress.XtraBars;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon;
using DevExpress.XtraCharts;
namespace WindowsFormsAppCustomProperties {
public class ChartScaleBreakModule {
public static readonly string PropertyName = "ScaleBreak";
readonly DashboardDesigner designer;
BarCheckItem barItem;
public ChartScaleBreakModule(DashboardDesigner designer, SvgImage barImage = null) {
this.designer = designer;
RibbonControl ribbon = (RibbonControl)designer.MenuManager;
RibbonPage page = ribbon.GetDashboardRibbonPage(DashboardBarItemCategory.ChartTools, DashboardRibbonPage.Design);
RibbonPageGroup group = page.GetGroupByName("Custom Properties");
if (group == null) {
group = new RibbonPageGroup("Custom Properties") { Name = "Custom Properties" };
barItem = CreateBarItem("Scale Break", barImage);
barItem.ItemClick += ChangeCustomPropertyValue;
designer.DashboardItemControlUpdated += Designer_DashboardItemControlUpdated;
designer.DashboardItemSelected += Designer_DashboardItemSelected;
designer.DashboardCustomPropertyChanged += Designer_DashboardCustomPropertyChanged;
BarCheckItem CreateBarItem(string caption, SvgImage barImage) {
BarCheckItem barItem = new BarCheckItem();
barItem.Caption = caption;
barItem.ImageOptions.SvgImage = barImage;
return barItem;
void ChangeCustomPropertyValue(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) {
DashboardItem dashboardItem = designer.SelectedDashboardItem;
bool newValue = !Convert.ToBoolean(dashboardItem.CustomProperties.GetValue(PropertyName));
string status = newValue ? "enabled" : "disabled";
CustomPropertyHistoryItem historyItem = new CustomPropertyHistoryItem(dashboardItem, PropertyName, newValue.ToString(), $"Scale break for {dashboardItem.ComponentName} is {status}");
void Designer_DashboardCustomPropertyChanged(object sender, CustomPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
if(e.Name == PropertyName)
void Designer_DashboardItemSelected(object sender, DashboardItemSelectedEventArgs e) {
void UpdateBarItem() {
if (designer.SelectedDashboardItem != null)
barItem.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(designer.SelectedDashboardItem.CustomProperties.GetValue(PropertyName));
void Designer_DashboardItemControlUpdated(object sender, DashboardItemControlEventArgs e) {
if(e.ChartControl != null)
UpdateChartScaleBreaks(designer.Dashboard.Items[e.DashboardItemName], e.ChartControl.Diagram);
void UpdateChartScaleBreaks(DashboardItem dashboardItem, Diagram chartDiagram) {
if (chartDiagram is XYDiagram diagram){
bool scaleBreakEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean(dashboardItem.CustomProperties.GetValue(PropertyName));
diagram.SecondaryAxesY[0].AutoScaleBreaks.Enabled = scaleBreakEnabled;
Register this code before you load a dashboard to apply settings. For this, create a new ChartScaleBreakModule instance and pass the Dashboard Designer for which you register a custom property. You can create the SvgImageCollection instance to store vector images and use one of them as the bar item’s icon.
using WindowsFormsAppCustomProperties;
public Form1() {
new ChartScaleBreakModule(dashboardDesigner1, svgImageCollection1["changechartseriestype"]);
After you registered the ChartScaleBreakModule module, it adds the ScaleBreak button that enables scale break for each selected Chart item in a dashboard. The information about the scale break property’s state is saved in history, so you can undo/redo the current action.