XAF Templates
- 8 minutes to read
This topic describes templates you can use when you implement Controllers and Actions in eXpressApp Framework (XAF).
Visual Studio Intelli
#XAF Custom Controllers
Template: xcv
public class MyViewController : ViewController
public MyViewController() : base()
// Target required Views (use the TargetXXX properties) and create their Actions.
protected override void OnActivated()
// Perform various tasks depending on the target View.
protected override void OnDeactivated()
// Unsubscribe from previously subscribed events and release other references and resources.
protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()
// Access and customize the target View control.
Template: xcw
public class MyWindowController : WindowController
public MyWindowController() : base()
// Target required Windows (use the TargetXXX properties) and create their Actions.
protected override void OnActivated()
// Perform various tasks depending on the target Window.
protected override void OnDeactivated()
// Unsubscribe from previously subscribed events and release other references and resources.
#ObjectViewController for DetailView
Template: xcvod
public class MyDetailViewController : ObjectViewController<DetailView, BusinessObject>
public MyDetailViewController() : base()
// Target required Views (use the TargetXXX properties) and create their Actions.
protected override void OnActivated()
// Perform various tasks depending on the target View.
protected override void OnDeactivated()
// Unsubscribe from previously subscribed events and release other references and resources.
protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()
// Access and customize the target View control.
#ObjectViewController for ListView
Template: xcvol
public class MyListViewController : ObjectViewController<ListView, BusinessObject>
public MyListViewController() : base()
// Target required Views (use the TargetXXX properties) and create their Actions.
protected override void OnActivated()
// Perform various tasks depending on the target View.
protected override void OnDeactivated()
// Unsubscribe from previously subscribed events and release other references and resources.
protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()
// Access and customize the target View control.
#ViewController for DetailView
Template: xcvd
public class MyDetailViewController : ViewController<DetailView>
public MyDetailViewController() : base()
// Target required Views (use the TargetXXX properties) and create their Actions.
protected override void OnActivated()
// Perform various tasks depending on the target View.
protected override void OnDeactivated()
// Unsubscribe from previously subscribed events and release other references and resources.
protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()
// Access and customize the target View control.
#ViewController for ListView
Template: xcvl
public class MyListViewController : ViewController<ListView>
public MyListViewController() : base()
// Target required Views (use the TargetXXX properties) and create their Actions.
protected override void OnActivated()
// Perform various tasks depending on the target View.
protected override void OnDeactivated()
// Unsubscribe from previously subscribed events and release other references and resources.
protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()
// Access and customize the target View control.
#XAF Actions
XAF templates that create Actions are available when the caret is inside a custom controller’s method.
Template: xas
public class MyViewController : ViewController
SimpleAction action;
public MyViewController() : base()
// Target required Views (use the TargetXXX properties) and create their Actions.
action = new SimpleAction(this, "MyAction", "View");
action.Execute += action_Execute;
private void action_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e)
// Execute your business logic (https://docs.devexpress.com/eXpressAppFramework/112737/).
Template: xac
public class MyViewController : ViewController
SingleChoiceAction action;
public MyViewController() : base()
// Target required Views (use the TargetXXX properties) and create their Actions.
action = new SingleChoiceAction(this, "MyAction", "View");
action.ItemType = SingleChoiceActionItemType.ItemIsOperation;
action.Execute += action_Execute;
// Create some items
//action.Items.Add(new ChoiceActionItem("MyItem1", "My Item 1", 1));
private void action_Execute(object sender, SingleChoiceActionExecuteEventArgs e)
var itemData = e.SelectedChoiceActionItem.Data;
// Execute your business logic (https://docs.devexpress.com/eXpressAppFramework/112738/).
Template: xap
public class MyViewController : ViewController
ParametrizedAction action;
public MyViewController() : base()
// Target required Views (use the TargetXXX properties) and create their Actions.
action = new ParametrizedAction(this, "MyAction", "View", typeof(string));
action.Execute += action_Execute;
private void action_Execute(object sender, ParametrizedActionExecuteEventArgs e)
var parameterValue = (string)e.ParameterCurrentValue;
// Execute your business logic (https://docs.devexpress.com/eXpressAppFramework/112724/).
Template: xapw
public class MyViewController : ViewController
PopupWindowShowAction action;
public MyViewController() : base()
// Target required Views (use the TargetXXX properties) and create their Actions.
action = new PopupWindowShowAction(this, "MyAction", "View");
action.Execute += action_Execute;
action.CustomizePopupWindowParams += action_CustomizePopupWindowParams;
private void action_Execute(object sender, PopupWindowShowActionExecuteEventArgs e)
var selectedPopupWindowObjects = e.PopupWindowViewSelectedObjects;
var selectedSourceViewObjects = e.SelectedObjects;
// Execute your business logic (https://docs.devexpress.com/eXpressAppFramework/112723/).
private void action_CustomizePopupWindowParams(object sender, CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs e)
// Set the e.View parameter to a newly created view (https://docs.devexpress.com/eXpressAppFramework/112723/).