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XPO Templates

  • 2 minutes to read

This topic describes templates you can use when you implement business classes in eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO).


Visual Studio IntelliSense has priority over CodeRush templates. For information on how to prioritize a CodeRush template over Visual Studio IntelliSense, refer to the following topic section: Expand a Template Instead of Visual Studio IntelliSense.

#Member Declaration

#XPO Persistent Class

Template: xc

public class PersistentClass : XPObject {
    public PersistentClass(Session session) : base(session) { }

#XPO Persistent Property

Template: xp[1]

string propertyName;
public string PropertyName {
    get => propertyName;
    set => SetPropertyValue(nameof(PropertyName), ref propertyName, value);

#XPO-Associated Property

Template: xpa

object propertyName;
public object PropertyName {
    get => propertyName;
    set => SetPropertyValue(nameof(PropertyName), ref propertyName, value);

#XPO-Associated Collection

Template: xpcl

public XPCollection<RelationType> Relations {
    get {
        return GetCollection<RelationType>(nameof(Relations));

#XPO Read-Only Persistent Property

Template: xr[2]

int propertyName;
public int PropertyName {
    get { return propertyName; }
  1. The xp template must be followed by a type mnemonic. For example, s for string.

  2. The xr template must be followed by a type mnemonic. For example, i for integer.

See Also