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ITreeList Methods

An interface that defines DxTreeList component API members (properties and methods).
Name Description
AutoFitColumnWidths() Adjusts column width to content.
BeginUpdate() Suspends TreeList updates caused by parameter changes and method calls until the EndUpdate() method is called.
ClearFilter() Clears the filter applied to treelist data.
ClearSelection() Clears selection.
ClearSort() Clears sorting.
CollapseAll() Collapses all rows in the TreeList component.
CollapseRow(Int32) Collapses the row with the specified visible index.
DeselectAllAsync() Deselects all rows in the treelist.
DeselectAllOnPage() Deselects all rows on the current visible page.
DeselectDataItem(Object) Deselects a row that corresponds to the specified data item.
DeselectDataItems(IEnumerable<Object>) Deselects rows that correspond to the specified data items.
DeselectRow(Int32) Unselects a row with the specified visible index.
DeselectRows(IEnumerable<Int32>) Deselects rows with the specified visible indexes.
EndUpdate() Resumes TreeList updates (when the BeginUpdate() method pauses updates) and re-renders the TreeList.
ExpandAll() Expands all rows in the TreeList component.
ExpandRow(Int32) Expands the row with the specified visible index.
FilterBy(String, TreeListFilterRowOperatorType, Object) Filters treelist data by specified column value.
GetColumns() Returns a collection of all treelist columns.
GetDataColumns() Returns a data column collection.
GetDataItem(Int32) Gets a data source item that is bound to the processed row.
GetDataItemValue(Object, String) Returns the value of the specified field for the specified data item.
GetFieldFilterCriteria(String) Returns the filter criteria applied to the specified field of the bound data source.
GetFilterCriteria() Returns the filter criteria applied to treelist data.
GetFocusedDataItem() Returns a data item bound to the focused data row.
GetFocusedRowIndex() Returns the visible index of the focused row.
GetPageCount() Returns the total number of pages in the TreeList.
GetRowValue(Int32, String) Returns the value of the data source field in the specified row.
GetSortedColumns() Gets the collection of sorted columns.
GetStartRowVisibleIndex() Gets the visible index of the first row on the current page.
GetTotalSummaryDisplayText(ITreeListSummaryItem) Gets a total summary item’s display text.
GetTotalSummaryFormattedValue(ITreeListSummaryItem) Gets a total summary item’s formatted value.
GetTotalSummaryItems() Returns the collection of total summary. items.
GetTotalSummaryLabel(ITreeListSummaryItem) Returns the name of a total summary‘s function name.
GetTotalSummaryValue(ITreeListSummaryItem) Gets a total summary item’s value.
GetVisibleColumns() Returns a collection of visible columns sorted based on their display order.
GetVisibleRowCount() Returns the total number of visible rows in the treelist.
IsDataItemFocused(Object) Returns whether the row bound to the specified data item is focused.
IsDataItemSelected(Object) Returns whether the row that corresponds to the specified data item is selected.
IsRowExpanded(Int32) Returns whether the row with the specified visible index is expanded.
IsRowFocused(Int32) Returns whether the row with the specified visible index is focused.
IsRowSelected(Int32) Returns whether the specified row is selected.
MakeRowVisible(Int32) Makes the row with the specified visible index visible on screen.
RefreshSummary() Refreshes all total summary values in the TreeList.
Reload() Reloads TreeList data.
SelectAllAsync(Boolean) Selects or deselects all rows in the treelist.
SelectAllOnPage(Boolean) Selects or deselects all rows on the current visible page.
SelectDataItem(Object, Boolean) Selects or deselects a row that corresponds to the specified data item.
SelectDataItems(IEnumerable<Object>, Boolean) Selects or deselects rows that correspond to the specified data items.
SelectRow(Int32, Boolean) Selects or deselects a row with the specified visible index.
SelectRows(IEnumerable<Int32>, Boolean) Selects or deselects rows with the specified visible indexes.
SetFieldFilterCriteria(String, CriteriaOperator) Applies a filter to the specified data field.
SetFilterCriteria(CriteriaOperator) Applies a filter to treelist data.
SetFocusedRowIndex(Int32) Moves focus to the row with the specified visible index.
ShowColumnChooser() Shows the column chooser in the center of the treelist.
ShowColumnChooser(DialogDisplayOptions) Shows the column chooser and positions it based on specified display options.
ShowColumnChooser(String) Shows the column chooser below the specified target element.
SortBy(String, TreeListColumnSortOrder, Int32) Sorts data by column values in the specified order, and specifies the sorted column’s index.
SortBy(String, TreeListColumnSortOrder) Sorts data by column values in the specified order.
SortBy(String) Sorts data by the specified column values.
WaitForDataLoadAsync() Returns a task that completes when pending asynchronous data load operations are completed.
WaitForRemoteSourceRowLoadAsync(Int32) Returns a task that is completed when the specified row of an asynchronous remote data source is loaded.
See Also