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DxSparkline Properties

A component that visualizes value trends as an inline graph.
Name Description
ArgumentFieldName Specifies the data source field that populates arguments for series points.
BarNegativeColor Specifies the color of negative values in Bar series.
BarPositiveColor Specifies the color of positive values in Bar series.
BreakOnEmptyPoints Specifies whether the series should break on points with null values.
CssClass Assign a CSS class to the component. Inherited from DxComponentBase.
Data Specifies an object that supplies Sparkline data.
Enabled Specifies whether the Sparkline component responds to user interaction.
FirstLastColor Specifies the color of the first and last series points. This applies if the ShowFirstLast property is enabled.
Height Specifies the component height.
Id Specifies the component’s unique identifier. Inherited from DxComponentBase.
LineColor Specifies the series color. Does not apply to Bar and WinLoss series types.
LineWidth Specifies the line width. Does not apply to Bar and WinLoss series types.
LossColor Specifies the color of bars that indicate values below the threshold in WinLoss series.
MaxColor Specifies the color for a series point with the maximum value. Applies if the ShowMinMax property is enabled.
MaxValue Specifies the component’s maximum value.
MinColor Specifies the color for a series point with the minimum value. Applies if the ShowMinMax property is enabled.
MinValue Specifies the component’s minimum value.
PointColor Specifies the inner color for series points. Does not apply to Bar and WinLoss series types.
PointSize Specifies the point size. Does not apply to Bar and WinLoss series types.
PointSymbol Specifies the shape of point markers. Does not apply to Bar and WinLoss series types.
ShowFirstLast Specifies whether the component highlights first and last series points.
ShowMinMax Specifies whether the component highlights points with minimum and maximum values.
Type Specifies the sparkline type.
ValueFieldName Specifies the data source field that populates values for series points.
Width Specifies the component width.
WinColor Specifies the color for bars that indicate values above the threshold value in WinLoss series.
WinLossThreshold Specifies the threshold value for WinLoss series.
See Also