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DxGridDataColumn.FilterRowOperatorType Property

Specifies an operator type used to create a filter condition based on the filter row value.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v21.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public GridFilterRowOperatorType FilterRowOperatorType { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
GridFilterRowOperatorType Default

A GridFilterRowOperatorType enumeration value.

Available values:

Name Description

Uses the Contains operator type for columns bound to the String data type; Equals in other cases.


Selects records that are equal to the entered value.


Selects records that are not equal to the entered value.


Selects records that start with the entered string.


Selects records that end with the entered string.


Selects records that contain the entered string.


Selects records that are less than the entered value. String values are compared based on their alphabetical order.


Selects records that are less than the entered value or equal to it. String values are compared based on their alphabetical order.


Selects records that are greater than the entered value. String values are compared based on their alphabetical order.


Selects records that are greater than the entered value or equal to it. String values are compared based on their alphabetical order.


Enable the ShowFilterRow option to activate a row that allows users to filter Grid data. This row displays in-place text editors for all data columns. When a user types into an editor, the Grid creates a filter condition based on the editor value and applies this condition to the corresponding column.

The Grid chooses an operator type automatically: Contains for columns bound to the String data type; Equals in other cases. Use the FilterRowOperatorType property to change the operator type.

When you use the FilterRowValue property to specify the initial editor value, you should also specify the FilterRowOperatorType property explicitly.

You can handle the FilterRowOperatorTypeChanged event to respond to operator type changes.

@using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
@inject IDbContextFactory<NorthwindContext> NorthwindContextFactory
@implements IDisposable

<DxGrid Data="@Data"
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="OrderId"  Caption="Order ID" DisplayFormat="d"/>
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="OrderDate" DisplayFormat="d" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="ProductName"
                          FilterRowOperatorType="GridFilterRowOperatorType.Contains" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="UnitPrice" DisplayFormat="c2" />
        <DxGridDataColumn FieldName="Shipped" UnboundType="GridUnboundColumnType.Boolean"
                          UnboundExpression="[ShippedDate] <> Null">
                <DxCheckBox CssClass="d-inline-block" Enabled="false" Checked="(bool)context.Value" />

@code {
    object Data { get; set; }
    NorthwindContext Northwind { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized() {
        Northwind = NorthwindContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
        Data = Northwind.Invoices

    public void Dispose() {

Blazor Grid Filter Row

Run Demo: Data Grid - Filter Row

See Also