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GaugeBase.GetSvgMarkupAsync() Method

Gets the component’s SVG markup.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor.Base

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public ValueTask<string> GetSvgMarkupAsync()


Type Description

A structure that stores an awaitable result of an asynchronous operation. The awaitable result is an SVG markup string.


The following code snippet gets the bar gauge’s SVG markup and passes it as a parameter to a custom CreateSvgMarkup function. This function creates a new SVG document that contains the bar gauge markup.

Bar Gauge - Get SVG Markup

@if (IsNewSvgGenerated) {
} else {
    <DxButton Click=@Svg Text="Export SVG markup" />

<DxBarGauge Width="420px"
        <DxTextFormatSettings LdmlString="@LabelFormat" />
    <DxBarGaugeLegendSettings Visible="true"
                              HorizontalAlignment="HorizontalAlignment.Center" />
    <DxTitleSettings Text="Deviations in Manufactured Parts">
        <DxFontSettings Size="28" Weight="600" />

@code {
    string NewSvgMarkup { get; set; }
    bool IsNewSvgGenerated { get; set; }

    DxBarGauge BarGauge;

    public async Task Svg () {
        var gaugeMarkup = await BarGauge.GetSvgMarkupAsync();
        NewSvgMarkup = CreateSvgMarkup(gaugeMarkup);
        IsNewSvgGenerated = true;
    string CreateSvgMarkup (string gaugeMarkup) {
        var templateSvg = 
            "<svg width=\"820px\" height=\"420px\">" +
                "<path d=\"M 13 407 L 128 407 L 232 39 L 13 39\" fill=\"#6D39C3\"></path>" +
                "<path d=\"M 46 381 L 161 381 L 265 13 L 46 13\" opacity=\"0.5\" fill=\"#6D39C3\"></path>" +
                "<text transform=\"translate(30,89)\" style=\"fill: rgb(255, 255, 255);font-family: &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;, Verdana, sans-serif;font-size: 36px;font-weight: bold;\">" +
                    "<tspan x=\"0\" y=\"0\">Export </tspan>" +
                    "<tspan x=\"0\" y=\"38\">SVG</tspan>" +
                    "<tspan x=\"0\" y=\"76\">Content</tspan>" +
                "</text>" +

                "<path opacity=\"0.8\" d=\"M 0 0 L 820 0 L 820 420 L 0 420 L 0 0\" stroke=\"#999999\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"butt\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"miter\"></path>" +

        return "<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" version=\"1.1\" width=\"820px\" height=\"420px\">" +
            templateSvg +
            "<g transform=\"translate(305,12)\">" + gaugeMarkup + "</g>" +

    string LabelFormat = "##.## mm;-##.## mm";
    double[] Values = new double[] { -2.13, 1.48, -3.09, 4.52, 4.9, 3.9 };
    string[] LegendItemCaptions = new string[] { "Shaft", "Screw", "Bolt", "Washer", "Pin", "Bushing" };
See Also