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MVCxPivotGrid Events
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The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
Name Description
AddPopupMenuItem Enables you to customize the context menu. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
AfterPerformCallback Fires after a callback initiated by the ASPxPivotGrid control has been processed on the server side. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
BeforeGetCallbackResult Occurs after a callback sent by the current control has been processed on the server, but prior to the time the respective callback result render is formed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
BeforeLoadLayout Occurs before a layout is restored from a storage, allowing you to cancel this action. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
BeforePerformDataSelect Occurs before the ASPxPivotGrid control obtains data from a data source. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
BeginRefresh Occurs before the control starts recalculating its data. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CallbackError static Allows you to handle any server exception that might occur during server-side processing of a callback sent by a DevExpress web control. Inherited from ASPxWebControl.
ClientLayout Enables you to save and restore the previously saved layout of the pivot grid. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
ControlHierarchyCreated Occurs after the ASPxPivotGrid’s table has been created. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomCallback Fires when a round trip to the server has been initiated by a call to the client ASPxClientPivotGrid.PerformCallback method. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomCellDisplayText Enables custom display text to be provided for cells displayed within the Data Area. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomCellStyle Allows the appearances of cells to be dynamically customized. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomCellValue Allows you to replace cell values with custom ones. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomChartDataSourceData Occurs when a ASPxPivotGrid prepares data to be displayed in a WebChartControl. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomChartDataSourceRows Allows you to customize pivot grid data before passing it to a chart control. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomCustomizationFormSort Allows you to change fields and folders order in the Customization Form. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomFieldSort Provides the ability to sort data using custom rules. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomFieldValueCells Allows you to customize field value cells. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomFilterExpressionDisplayText Enables you to display custom text within the Filter panel, corresponding to the current filter expression. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomFilterPopupItems Allows you to customize the filter drop-down list items. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomGroupInterval Enables grouping axis values, using your own criteria. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomJsProperties Enables you to supply any server data that can then be parsed on the client. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomLoadCallbackState Allows you to load the ASPxPivotGrid’s callback state, which was previously saved by handling the ASPxPivotGrid.CustomSaveCallbackState event. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomSaveCallbackState Allows you to preserve the ASPxPivotGrid’s callback state in a custom manner. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomServerModeSort In OLAP and server mode, provides the capability to sort data using custom rules. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomSummary Enables summary values to be calculated manually. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
CustomUnboundFieldData Enables providing data to unbound fields. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
DataAreaPopupCreated Occurs after a panel that displays data headers has been created. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
DataBinding Occurs when the server control binds to a data source. Inherited from Control.
DataBound Occurs after the server control binds to the data source. Inherited from ASPxDataWebControlBase.
DataSourceChanged Fires when the pivot grid’s data source changes. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
Disposed Occurs when a server control is released from memory, which is the last stage of the server control lifecycle when an ASP.NET page is requested. Inherited from Control.
EndRefresh Occurs after the control has completed recalculating its data. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldAreaChanged Occurs after the field’s location or visibility has been changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldAreaChanging Enables you to control whether the dragged field header can be dropped at the area it’s currently located over. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldAreaIndexChanged Occurs when the field’s PivotGridFieldBase.AreaIndex property has been changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldExpandedInFieldGroupChanged Fires when the expansion status of fields combined into a field group is changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldFilterChanged Occurs after a field’s filter condition has been changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldFilterChanging Allows you to customize the filter that is being applied or cancel filtering. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldPropertyChanged Occurs after a field’s property has been changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldUnboundExpressionChanged Occurs after an unbound field expression has been changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldValueCollapsed Fires after a field value has been collapsed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldValueCollapsing Enables you to control whether field values can be collapsed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldValueDisplayText Enables the display text of individual column and row headers and filter dropdown items to be customized. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldValueExpanded Fires after a field value has been expanded. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldValueExpanding Enables you to control whether field values can be expanded. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldValueNotExpanded Occurs in OLAP mode, when an end-user clicks an expand button or selects Expand All from the context menu, and the field value cannot be expanded. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FieldVisibleChanged Occurs after a field’s visibility has been changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FilterControlCustomValueDisplayText Enables you to specify the entered filter value’s custom display text, to be displayed when the filter control’s condition value editor is inactive. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FilterControlOperationVisibility Enables you to dynamically hide operation items (such as the Equals, Contains, etc.) of the Filter Control’s operation dropdown menu. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FilterControlParseValue Enables you to process and modify an entered value before it is actually accepted by the filter control. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
FilterCriteriaChanged Occurs when the filter criteria is changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
GridLayout Fires immediately after the ASPxPivotGrid’s layout has been changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
GroupFilterChanged Occurs after a group filter condition has been changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
HtmlCellPrepared Enables the settings of individual data cells to be changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
HtmlFieldValuePrepared Enables the settings of individual field value cells to be changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
Init Occurs when the server control is initialized, which is the first step in its lifecycle. Inherited from Control.
LayoutUpgrade Occurs when a layout is restored from a data store, and its version is different than that of the control’s current layout version. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
Load Occurs when the server control is loaded into the Page object. Inherited from Control.
OLAPException Obsolete. Raised when a query processing error occurs on a bound OLAP server, or when the connection to this server is lost. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
OLAPQueryData Allows you to get a query used to obtain data in ASPxPivotGrid. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
OLAPQueryTimeout Occurs when the query time-out has expired. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
PageIndexChanged Fires after the selected page has been changed. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
PopupMenuCreated Enables you to create custom menu items. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
PreRender Occurs after the Control object is loaded but prior to rendering. Inherited from Control.
QueryException Occurs when a query processing error occurs on a bound server providing data for the ASPxPivotGrid. Inherited from ASPxPivotGrid.
Unload Occurs when the server control is unloaded from memory. Inherited from Control.
See Also