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DevExtreme Controls

  • 3 minutes to read

You can use the DevExtreme line of client-side controls in your ASP.NET Core projects[1]. Display and edit tabular data with Data Grids, create intricate forms, or simply use styled components to create appealing user interfaces. Scroll down to view the full list of available controls.


Read the Getting Started Guide for a complete walkthrough of ASP.NET Core development with DevExtreme components.

DevExtreme Template

Browser Support

Main article: Browser support




Safari (macOS)



Safari (iOS)

Chrome (Android)








browsers-icon-16-ios browsers-icon-16-apple-safari

browsers-icon-16-android browsers-icon-16-chrome


Supported versions

Two latest versions

15.0.0 or later

5.0 Lollipop or later

Latest version

System Requirements
Licensing Requirements

The following DevExpress licenses include DevExtreme controls:

Universal Logo DXPerience Logo ASP Logo DevExtreme Logo
yes yes yes yes

DevExtreme v23.2 and later checks license status to determine whether a valid DevExtreme license exists. If you do not have a valid DevExtreme license, an error message will be displayed on-screen. To complete the license verification process, you must supply a valid license key.

View the Licensing guide for more information.

Data Tables

The following components allow you to create interactive data tables:

Data Grids

Data Visualization

The following components allow you to visualize data with charts and graphs:

Charts Gauges Misc
Chart Circular Gauge Funnel
Polar Chart Bar Gauge Tree Map
Sparkline Chart Linear Gauge Bullet
Pie Chart
Sankey Chart

Chart demos

Task Management

  • The Scheduler is an interactive calendar application that allows you to schedule events.
  • The Gantt component allows you to plan an interconnected series of tasks.

Scheduler and Gantt demo

Geographic Maps

  • The Map component displays detailed geographic data from GIS providers such as Google and Bing.
  • The VectorMap component displays a simplified vector map for use in infographics.

Map demo

Diagrams and Flow Charts

The Diagram component is an interactive editor for activity diagrams, flowcharts, and org charts.

Diagram demo


The HTMLEditor component is a lightweight WYSIWYG text editor for the web. It allows you to export user input as .html or .md files. If you need to edit common Rich Text formats (.rtf and .docx), use the .NET-based RichEdit component.

HTML Editor demo

Forms and Inputs

The Form component is a container for other form components, including, but not limited to, the following:

Input fields Input boxes Sliders Date Pickers Helper Tools
Text Box Check box Slider Calendar Filter Builder
Number Box Switch Range Slider Date Box Validation Group
Text Area Radio Group Range Selector Validation Summary
DropDown Box
Color Box
File Uploader
Tag Box
Select Box

Form demo

Miscellaneous UI components

Buttons and Menus Navigation Layouts and Lists Pop-ups and modal windows Utilities
Button Drawer Accordion Tooltip Draggable
Button Group Toolbar Box Popup Resizable
DropDown Button Tree View Gallery Popover Sortable
Menu MultiView Action Sheet
Context Menu Tabs Speed Dial Action
Switch TabPanel File Manager
Scroll View Load Indicator
TileView Load Panel
List Toast
ResponsiveBox ProgressBar

Miscellaneous DevExtreme components

  1. DevExtreme offers component wrappers for other frameworks, such as React, Angular,and ASP.NET MVC 5.