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Use the Scaffolding Tool to Create Controllers, Views, and Pages

  • 4 minutes to read

The DevExpress Scaffolding tool is an interactive add-on for Microsoft Visual Studio. The interactive DevExpress .NET Product Installer installs the tool alongside DevExpress packages. You cannot install the tool separately.

The DevExpress Scaffolding tool allows you to perform the following tasks:

Scaffold API Controllers (EF Core and XPO)

The DevExpress Scaffolding tool can generate API controllers with CRUD actions for Entity Framework Core and XPO models. You can bind these controllers to DevExtreme components.


The DevExpress Scaffolding tool works differently depending on your ORM framework of choice. DevExpress recommends EF Core for new ASP.NET Core web applications.

  • If your application doesn’t have an existing Model, follow the ASP.NET Core Getting Started Tutorial to create one.
  • Entity Framework interacts with databases through a database context class. Follow the Create the Database Context tutorial to add a Database Context class to your project.
  • If your application doesn’t have a Controllers subfolder, use the Add context menu to create one.


  1. Open the Solution Explorer and right-click the Controllers folder. Navigate to the Add submenu and select Controller or New Scaffolded Item.

    Add New Scaffolded Item in Context Menu

  2. The right-hand pane of the dialog displays items available for scaffolding. Select the DevExtreme API Controller with actions, using Entity Framework or the DevExtreme API Controller with actions, using XPO option, depending on your ORM framework of choice.

    Click Add.

    Add Scaffold Window

  3. Select the data context class and the model class. Enter the name for the controller, and click Add.

    Add Controller Window

Scaffold Components

  1. Open a .cshtml file and right-click the spot where you wish to insert the component.

    Select Insert a DevExtreme Control Here from the context menu.

    Insert a DevExtreme Control Here on the context menu

  2. Wait for Visual Studio to open the interactive wizard.

    DevExtreme allows you to scaffold the following components:

    Select a component from the list and click “Next”.

    Scaffolding wizard

  3. Configure data binding. The Model field is necessary to configure the component, even if you don’t specify a controller.

    Bind control to data

  4. Configure component settings.

    Bind control to data

  5. Click Add to insert the component into the .cshtml file.

        .DataSource(ds => ds.Mvc()
        .Columns(columns => {
            columns.AddFor(m => m.OrderID);
            columns.AddFor(m => m.OrderDate);
            columns.AddFor(m => m.CustomerID);
            columns.AddFor(m => m.CustomerName);
            columns.AddFor(m => m.ShipCountry);
            columns.AddFor(m => m.ShipCity);

Generate a Razor Page or an MVC view with a DevExtreme Control

You can generate a new page or view with the following DevExtreme controls:

  1. Open Solution Explorer. Right-click the target folder. Navigate to the Add submenu and click View…/Razor Page… or New Scaffolded Item….

    Add New Scaffolded Item on the context menu

  2. The right-hand pane of the dialog displays items available for scaffolding. Select Razor Page with a DevExtreme Control or MVC View with a DevExtreme Control and click Add.

    The Add Scaffold window

  3. Wait for Visual Studio to open the Page Creation wizard.

    The Add View window

    Follow the wizard’s prompts to select the page name and specify component settings.