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Read-Only Data in JSON Format

  • 3 minutes to read

DevExtreme-based ASP.NET Core controls can access JSON data an AJAX request returns from a resource.

You can configure access to JSON data in one of the following ways:

  • Use the DataSource(string staticJsonUrl, params string[] key) method.

    The method allows you to pass a JSON data URL and key (optionally).

    The following code shows how to pass only a URL:


    The following code shows how to pass a URL and a key:

        .DataSource("", "ID")
  • Use the DataSourceFactory.StaticJson() method.

    This method opens a chain of methods (Url, Key, CacheAllData, etc.) that allow you to pass a JSON data URL and a number of additional parameters.

        .DataSource(ds => ds.StaticJson()


These approaches use a data URL. You can specify the URL as described below.

How to Specify a JSON Data URL

You can specify a data URL in the following ways:

  • An absolute URL.

        .DataSource(ds => ds.StaticJson()

    You can also use a JSONP callback parameter supported by jQuery.ajax().

        .DataSource(ds => ds.StaticJson()
  • A virtual path the URL.Content method returns.

        .DataSource(ds => ds.StaticJson()
  • Use the following UrlHelper class methods to build a URL:

    • Url.Action() - generates a URL with an absolute path for an action method. Refer to Generating URLs by action name for more information.

          .DataSource(ds => ds.StaticJson()
          .ItemTemplate(@<text><%- name %></text>)
      using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
      using Newtonsoft.Json;
      namespace MyApp.Controllers {
          public class HomeController : Controller {
              public IActionResult Index() {
                  return View();
              public object GetListData() {
                  return new[] {
                      new {
                          name = "John",
                          city = "New York City"
                      new {
                          name = "Jane",
                          city = "Bangkok"
                      new {
                          name = "Mike",
                          city = "Baghdad"
    • Url.Page() - generates a URL for a Razor page. You should specify the page name and the page handler defined in a page model.

      @model MyApp.Pages.MyPageModel
          .DataSource(ds => ds.StaticJson()
              .Url(Url.Page(null, "ListData"))
          .ItemTemplate(@<text><%- name %></text>)
      namespace MyApp.Pages {
          public class MyPageModel : PageModel {
              public IActionResult OnGetListData() {
                  var data = new[] {
                      new {
                          name = "John",
                          city = "New York City"
                      new {
                          name = "Jane",
                          city = "Bangkok"
                      new {
                          name = "Mike",
                          city = "Baghdad"
                  return new JsonResult(data);
    • Url.RouteUrl() - generates a URL by route.