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RichEditCommands Members

In This Article
Contains a set of the available client commands.


Name Description
addSpacingAfterParagraph Gets a command to add spacing after a paragraph.
addSpacingBeforeParagraph Gets a command to add spacing before a paragraph.
assignShortcut Gets a command to assign a shortcut to the specified client command.
backspace Gets a command to move the cursor backwards and erase characters in a selected range.
capitalizeEachWordTextCase Gets a command to capitalize each word in the selected sentence.
changeCustomNumberingList Gets a command to customize the numbered list parameters.
changeFloatingObjectAbsolutePosition Gets a command to change a floating object’s absolute position.
changeFloatingObjectAbsoluteSize Gets a command to change a floating object’s absolute size.
changeFloatingObjectAlignmentPosition Gets a command to modify a floating object’s alignment position.
changeFloatingObjectFillColor Gets a command to modify a floating object’s background fill color.
changeFloatingObjectLockAnchor Gets a command to lock a floating object’s anchor.
changeFloatingObjectLockAspectRatio Gets a command to lock a floating object’s aspect ratio.
changeFloatingObjectOutlineColor Gets a command to modify a floating object’s outline color.
changeFloatingObjectOutlineWidth Gets a command to modify a floating object’s outline width.
changeFloatingObjectRelativePosition Gets a command to modify a floating object’s relative position.
changeFloatingObjectRotation Gets a command to rotate a floating object.
changeFloatingObjectTextWrapping Gets a command to modify a floating object’s text wrapping settings.
changeFontBackColor Gets a command to change the background color of characters in a selected range.
changeFontBold Gets a command to change the bold formatting of characters in a selected range.
changeFontForeColor Gets a command to change the font color of characters in a selected range.
changeFontFormatting Gets a command to change the font formatting of characters in a selected range.
changeFontItalic Gets a command to change the italic formatting of characters in a selected range.
changeFontName Gets a command to change the font name of characters in a selected range.
changeFontSize Gets a command to change the font size (in points) of characters in a selected range.
changeFontStrikeout Gets a command to change the strikeout formatting of characters in a selected range.
changeFontSubscript Gets a command to change the subscript formatting of characters in a selected range.
changeFontSuperscript Gets a command to change the superscript formatting of characters in a selected range.
changeFontUnderline Gets a command to change the underline formatting of characters in a selected range.
changeHyperlink Gets a command that changes the specified hyperlink.
changePageColor Gets a command to set the background color of all pages contained in the document.
changePageMargins Gets a command to apply page margins settings to sections located within a selected range.
changePageOrientation Gets a command to apply page orientation settings to sections located within a selected range.
changePageSize Gets a command to apply page size settings to sections located within a selected range.
changeParagraphBackColor Gets a command to change the background color of paragraphs in a selected range.
changeParagraphFormatting Gets a command to apply formatting settings to paragraphs within a selected range.
changePictureScale Gets a command to scale a selected in-line picture.
changeSectionColumns Gets a command to apply column layout settings to a section.
changeSectionEqualColumnCount Gets a command to change the number of columns having the same width in a section.
changeStyle Gets a command to apply a character or paragraph style settings to text in a selected range.
changeTableBorderRepositoryItem Gets a command to apply borders’ drawing settings.
changeTableBordersAndShading Gets a command to change the selected table’s borders and shading.
changeTableCellFormatting Gets a command to change the cell formatting of the selected table elements.
changeTableCellPreferredWidth Gets a command to change the preferred cell width of the selected table rows.
changeTableCellShading Gets a command to change cell shading in selected table cells.
changeTableColumnPreferredWidth Gets a command to change the selected table columns’ preferred width.
changeTableFormatting Gets a command to change the selected table’s formatting.
changeTableLook Gets a command to change the selected table’s style options.
changeTableRowPreferredHeight Gets a command to change the selected table rows’ preferred height.
changeTableStyle Gets a command to change the selected table’s style.
changeTabs Gets a command to change the default tab stop value of a document and apply custom tab settings to the selected paragraphs.
changeTextBoxContentMargins Gets a command to modify a text box’s content margins.
changeTextBoxRelativeSize Gets a command to modify a text box’s relative size settings.
changeTextBoxResizeShapeToFitText Gets a command to resize the shape to fit the text in the text box.
changeViewType Gets a command to change the Rich Edit’s document view type.
clearFormatting Gets a command to reset textual and paragraph formatting in the selected range to default values.
closeHeaderFooter Gets a command to substitute a header/footer sub-document with the main sub-document as an active sub-document.
continueNumberingList Gets a command to continue the list’s numbering.
copy Gets a command to copy the selected text and place it to the clipboard.
copyContent Gets a command to copy the selected text and place it to the specified position.
createDateField Gets a command to insert and update a field with a DATE code.
createField Gets a command to add a field at the current position in a document.
createMergeField Gets a command to replace the selection with a MERGEFIELD (a data source column name is passed with a parameter).
createPageCountField Gets a command to replace the selection with a NUMPAGES field displaying the total number of pages.
createPageField Gets a command to replace the selection with a PAGE field displaying the current page number.
createTimeField Gets a command to replace the selection with a TIME field displaying the current time.
cut Gets a command to cut the selected text and place it to the clipboard.
decreaseFontSize Gets a command to decrease the selected range’s font size to the closest smaller predefined value (in points).
decreaseIndent Gets a command to decrease the indent level of paragraphs in a selected range.
decrementNumberingIndent Gets a command to decrement the indent level of paragraphs in a selected numbered list.
decrementParagraphLeftIndent Gets a command to decrement the paragraph’s left indent position.
delete Gets a command to delete text and in-line objects in a selected range.
deleteBookmark Gets a command to delete a specific bookmark.
deleteHyperlink Gets a command to delete the selected hyperlink.
deleteHyperlinks Gets a command to delete all hyperlinks in the selected range.
deleteTable Gets a command to delete the selected table.
deleteTableCellsDialog Gets a command to invoke the Delete Cells dialog window.
deleteTableCellsWithShiftHorizontally Gets a command to delete the selected table cells with a horizontal shift.
deleteTableCellsWithShiftVertically Gets a command to delete the selected table cells with a vertical shift.
deleteTableColumns Gets a command to delete the selected columns in the table.
deleteTableRows Gets a command to delete the selected rows in the table.
fileDownload Gets a command to download the document specifying the file’s extension and name.
fileNew Gets a command to create a new empty document.
fileOpen Gets a command to open a document stored in the specified file.
fileOpenDialog Gets a command to invoke the File Open dialog allowing one to select and load a document file into RichEdit.
filePrint Gets a command to invoke a browser-specific Print dialog allowing one to print the current document.
fileSave Gets a command to save the document at its original location on the server.
fileSaveAs Gets a command to save a document in a file with the specified path.
fileSaveAsDialog Gets a command to invoke the Save As dialog that prompts for a file name and saves the current document in a file with the specified path.
findAll Gets a command to find all matches of the specified text in the document.
forceSyncWithServer Gets a command to force synchronizing the server document model with the client model and execute a callback function if it is necessary.
getRtf Gets a command to receive RTF formatted content from the document in the specified range.
goToBookmark Gets a command to navigate to the specified bookmark.
goToDataRecord Gets a command to open the specified data record.
goToFirstDataRecord Gets a command to navigate to the first data record.
goToFooter Gets a command to substitute a header sub-document with a footer sub-document of the same page as an active sub-document.
goToHeader Gets a command to substitute a footer sub-document with a header sub-document of the same page as an active sub-document.
goToLastDataRecord Gets a command to navigate to the last data record of the bound data source.
goToNextDataRecord Gets a command to navigate to the next data record of the bound data source.
goToNextHeaderFooter Gets a command to substitute a current header/footer with a header/footer of the next section as an active sub-document.
goToPreviousDataRecord Gets a command to navigate to the previous data record of the bound data source.
goToPreviousHeaderFooter Gets a command to substitute a current header/footer with a header/footer of the previous section as an active sub-document.
hideFindResults Gets a command to hide the search results.
increaseFontSize Gets a command to increase the font size of characters in a selected range to the closest larger predefined value (in points).
increaseIndent Gets a command to increment the indent level of paragraphs in a selected range.
incrementNumberingIndent Gets a command to increment the indent level of paragraphs in a selected numbered list.
incrementParagraphLeftIndent Gets a command to increment the left indent of paragraphs in a selected range.
insertBookmark Gets a command to insert a new bookmark that references the current selection.
insertColumnBreak Gets a command to insert a column break at the current position in the document.
insertContentFromServer Gets a command to insert content created on the server to the client model.
insertEquationsCaption Gets a command to add a caption (numbered label) to an equation.
insertFiguresCaption Gets a command to add a caption (numbered label) to a figure.
insertFloatingTextBox Gets a command to insert a floating text box.
insertFooter Gets a command to create a footer sub-document (if it is not yet created) and set it as an active sub-document instead of the main sub-document.
insertHeader Gets a command to create a header sub-document (if it is not yet created) and set it as an active sub-document instead of the main sub-document.
insertHtml Gets a command to add an HTML formatted content in place of a selected range.
insertHyperlink Gets a command to insert and update a hyperlink field in place of a selected range.
insertLineBreak Gets a command to insert the line break at the current position in the document.
insertNonBreakingSpace Gets a command to add a non-breaking space in place of a selected range
insertNumeration Gets a command to insert numeration to a paragraph making it a numbering list item.
insertPageBreak Gets a command to insert a page break at the current position in the document.
insertParagraph Gets a command to insert a paragraph break at the current position in the document.
insertPicture Gets a command to insert an inline picture stored by the specified web address.
insertRtf Gets a command to add RTF formatted content at the specified position.
insertSectionBreakEvenPage Gets a command to insert a section break and starts a new section on the next even-numbered page.
insertSectionBreakNextPage Gets a command to insert a section break and starts a new section on the next page.
insertSectionBreakOddPage Gets a command to insert a section break and starts a new section on the next odd-numbered page.
insertSymbol Gets a command to insert characters into a document instead of a selected range.
insertTab Gets a command to insert a tab character at the current position in the document.
insertTable Gets a command to insert a rectangular table of the specified size.
insertTableCellsDialog Gets a command to invoke the Insert Cells dialog window.
insertTableCellsWithShiftToTheVertically Gets a command to insert table cells with a vertical shift into the selected table.
insertTableCellWithShiftToTheLeft Gets a command to insert table cells with a horizontal shift into the selected table.
insertTableColumnToTheLeft Gets a command to insert a table column to the left of the current position in the table.
insertTableColumnToTheRight Gets a command to insert a table column to the right of the current position in the table.
insertTableOfContents Gets a command to insert a table of contents.
insertTableOfEquations Gets a command to create a table of equations on the base of equation captions.
insertTableOfFigures Gets a command to create a table of figures on the base of figures captions.
insertTableOfTables Gets a command to create a table of tables on the base of tables captions.
insertTableRowAbove Gets a command to insert a row in the table above the selected row.
insertTableRowBelow Gets a command to insert a row in the table below the selected row.
insertTablesCaption Gets a command to add a caption (numbered label) to a table.
insertText Gets a command to insert text in place of a selected range.
linkHeaderFooterToPrevious Gets a command to link a header/footer to the previous section, so it has the same content.
mailMergeAndDownload Gets a command to perform a mail merge and download the merged document.
mailMergeAndSaveAs Gets a command to perform a mail merge and save the merged document to the server.
mailMergeDialog Gets a command to invoke the Export Range dialog window to start a mail merge.
makeTextLowerCase Gets a command to convert selected text to lower case.
makeTextSentenceCase Gets a command changing all selected text to the sentence case capitalization.
makeTextUpperCase Gets a command to convert selected text to upper case.
mergeFieldDialog Gets a command to invoke the Insert Merge Field dialog window.
mergeTableCells Gets a command to merge the selected cells.
moveContent Gets a command to move the selected range.
openCustomNumberingListDialog Gets a command to invoke the Customize Numbered List dialog window.
openFindAndReplaceDialog Gets a command to invoke the Find and Replace dialog window.
openFindPanel Gets a command to invoke the Search Panel allowing end-users to search text and navigate through search results.
openFontFormattingDialog Gets a command to invoke the Font dialog window.
openHyperlink Gets a command to go to a bookmark or URI contained within the selected hyperlink.
openInsertBookmarkDialog Gets a command to invoke the Bookmark dialog window.
openInsertHyperlinkDialog Gets a command to invoke the Hyperlink dialog window.
openInsertPictureDialog Gets a command to invoke the Insert Image dialog window.
openInsertSymbolDialog Gets a command to invoke the Symbols dialog window.
openInsertTableDialog Gets a command to invoke the Insert Table dialog window.
openLayoutOptionsDialog Gets a command to invoke the Layout dialog window to customize the settings of a floating object.
openNumberingListDialog Gets a command to invoke the Bulleted and Numbering dialog window.
openPageMarginsDialog Gets a command to invoke the Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog window.
openPagePaperSizeDialog Gets a command to invoke the Paper tab of the Page Setup dialog window.
openParagraphFormattingDialog Gets a command to invoke the Indents And Spacing tab of the Paragraph dialog window.
openSectionColumnsDialog Gets a command to invoke the Columns dialog window.
openSpellingDialog Gets a command to invoke the Spelling dialog window.
openTableBordersAndShadingDialog Gets a command to invoke the Borders tab of the Borders and Shading dialog window.
openTableFormattingDialog Gets a command to invoke the Table tab of the Table Properties dialog window.
openTabsDialog Gets a command to invoke the Tabs dialog window.
paste Gets a command to paste the text from the clipboard over the selection.
redo Gets a command to reverse actions of the previous RichEditCommands.undo command.
removeNextWord Gets a command to remove the next word.
removeNumeration Gets a command to exclude the selected paragraphs from the numbered list.
removePrevWord Gets a command to remove the previous word.
removeSpacingAfterParagraph Gets a command to remove spacing after the selected paragraph.
removeSpacingBeforeParagraph Gets a command to remove spacing before the selected paragraph.
removeTableCellBorders Gets a command to remove the borders of the selected table cells.
replaceAll Gets a command to replace all matches of the specified text with new characters.
replaceNext Gets a command to find and replace a next match of the specified text after the cursor position with new characters.
restartNumberingList Gets a command to restart the numbering list.
setDifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter Gets a command to enable (or disable if it is enabled) a different page header and footer for the first page of the current section.
setDifferentOddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter Gets a command to enable (or disable if it is enabled) a different page header and footer for odd and even pages of the current section.
setDoubleParagraphSpacing Gets a command to format a selected paragraph with double line spacing.
setFullscreen Gets a command to toggle the fullscreen mode.
setPageSizeDialog Gets a command to invoke the Page Setup dialog.
setParagraphLevel Gets a command to apply a paragraph level to the selected text
setSesquialteralParagraphSpacing Gets a command to format a current paragraph with one and a half line spacing.
setSingleParagraphSpacing Gets a command to format a current paragraph with single line spacing.
showAllFieldCodes Gets a command to display all field codes in place of the fields in the document.
showFieldCodes Gets a command to display the selected field’s codes.
showHiddenSymbols Gets a command to toggle hidden symbol visibility.
showHorizontalRuler Gets a command to toggle the horizontal ruler’s visibility.
showMergedData Gets a command to display or hide actual data in MERGEFIELD fields.
showTableGridLines Gets a command to toggle the display of grid lines for a table with no borders applied - on/off.
splitTableCells Gets a command to split the selected table cells.
splitTableCellsDialog Gets a command to invoke the Split Cells dialog window.
switchTextCase Gets a command to switch the text capitalization in the selection.
toggleBulletedList Gets a command to toggle between the bulleted paragraph and normal text.
toggleMultilevelList Gets a command to toggle between the multilevel list style and normal text.
toggleNumberingList Gets a command to toggle between the numbered paragraph and normal text.
toggleParagraphAlignmentCenter Gets a command to toggle centered paragraph alignment on and off.
toggleParagraphAlignmentJustify Gets a command to toggle justified paragraph alignment on and off.
toggleParagraphAlignmentLeft Gets a command to toggle left paragraph alignment on and off.
toggleParagraphAlignmentRight Gets a command to toggle right paragraph alignment on and off.
toggleTableAutoFitContents Gets a command that fits the specified table to its contents.
toggleTableAutoFitWindow Gets a command that fits the specified table to a document’s window.
toggleTableCellAlignBottomCenter Gets a command to apply bottom-center alignment for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellAlignBottomLeft Gets a command to apply bottom-left alignment for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellAlignBottomRight Gets a command to apply bottom-right alignment for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellAlignMiddleCenter Gets a command to apply middle-center alignment for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellAlignMiddleLeft Gets a command to apply middle-left alignment for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellAlignMiddleRight Gets a command to apply middle-right alignment for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellAlignTopCenter Gets a command to apply top-center alignment for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellAlignTopLeft Gets a command to apply top-left alignment for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellAlignTopRight Gets a command to apply top-right alignment for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellAllBorders Gets a command to apply (or cancel) border settings to all borders of the selected cells.
toggleTableCellBottomBorder Gets a command to apply (or cancel) border settings of the bottom border for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellInsideBorders Gets a command to apply (or cancel) border settings of the inside borders for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellInsideHorizontalBorders Gets a command to apply (or cancel) border settings of the inside horizontal borders for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellInsideVerticalBorders Gets a command to apply (or cancel) border settings of the inside vertical borders for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellLeftBorder Gets a command to apply (or cancel) border settings of the left border for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellOutsideBorders Gets a command to apply (or cancel) border settings of the outside borders for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellRightBorder Gets a command to apply (or cancel) border settings of the right border for the selected cells.
toggleTableCellTopBorder Gets a command to apply (or cancel) border settings of the top border for the selected cells.
toggleTableFixedColumnWidth Gets a command that disables automatic adjusting of the selected table.
toggleTextCase Gets a command to toggle case for each character - upper case becomes lower, lower case becomes upper.
undo Gets a command to cancel changes caused by the previous command.
updateAllFields Gets a command to update all fields in the document.
updateField Gets a command to update each field’s result in the selection.
updateTableOfContents Gets a command to update a table of contents.


Name Description
beginUpdate Gets a command to prevent the control UI from being updated until the RichEditCommands.endUpdate method is called.
endUpdate Re-enables render operations after a call to the RichEditCommands.beginUpdate method and forces immediate re-rendering.
See Also