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ASPxClientTreeList Events
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Represents the client ASPxTreeList.
Name Description
BatchEditChangesCanceling Occurs on the client side before data changes are canceled in batch edit mode.
BatchEditChangesSaving Occurs on the client side before data changes are saved in batch edit mode.
BatchEditConfirmShowing Enables you to prevent a batch edit confirmation message from being displayed.
BatchEditEndEditing Occurs when a tree list leaves the batch edit mode.
BatchEditNodeChangesCanceling Allows you to handle a Cancel button click for a node in batch edit mode.
BatchEditNodeDeleting Occurs on the client side before a node is deleted in batch edit mode.
BatchEditNodeInserting Occurs on the client side before a node is inserted in batch edit mode.
BatchEditNodeRecovering Occurs on the client side before a node is recovered in batch edit mode.
BatchEditNodeValidating Enables you to specify whether the node date is valid and provide an error text.
BatchEditStartEditing Occurs when a tree list switches to batch edit mode.
BatchEditTemplateCellFocused Enables you to provide navigation for editors contained in a templated cell in Batch Edit mode.
BeginCallback Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated.
CallbackError Fires on the client if any unhandled server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by the ASPxClientTreeList.
CellSelectionChanging Occurs when you select or deselect a cell.
ClipboardCellPasting Occurs before a cell is pasted to the control from the clipboard. Allows you to update the pasted data or skip a cell.
ColumnResized Occurs after a column’s width has been changed by an end-user.
ColumnResizing Enables you to prevent columns from being resized.
ContextMenu Enables you to display a context menu.
CustomButtonClick Occurs when a custom command button has been clicked.
CustomDataCallback Fires after the callback has been processed in the ASPxTreeList.CustomDataCallback event handler.
CustomizationWindowCloseUp Fires after the Customization Window has been closed.
EndCallback Occurs on the client after a callback’s server-side processing has been completed.
EndDragNode Occurs after a node drag and drop operation is completed.
FocusedCellChanging Occurs on the client side when the focused cell is about to be changed.
FocusedNodeChanged Fires in response to changing node focus.
Init Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
KeyDown Occurs when a user presses a key while ASPxTreeList has focus.
KeyPress Occurs when a user presses and releases a key while ASPxTreeList has focus.
KeyUp Occurs when a user releases the pressed key while ASPxTreeList has focus.
NodeClick Fires on the client when a node is clicked.
NodeCollapsing Fires before a node is collapsed.
NodeDblClick Fires on the client when a node is double clicked.
NodeExpanding Fires before a node is expanded.
NodeFocusing Fires before the focused node has been changed.
SelectionChanged Fires after the selection has been changed via end-user interaction.
StartDragNode Occurs before a node is dragged by an end-user.
ToolbarItemClick Fires after a toolbar item has been clicked.
See Also