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ASPxClientTreeList.BatchEditStartEditing Event

Occurs when a tree list switches to batch edit mode.


BatchEditStartEditing: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientTreeListBatchEditStartEditingEventHandler<ASPxClientTreeList>>

#Event Data

The BatchEditStartEditing event's data class is ASPxClientTreeListBatchEditStartEditingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
cancel Specifies whether to cancel the related action (for example, row edit, export). Inherited from ASPxClientCancelEventArgs.
focusedColumn Gets the column to which the edited cell belongs.
nodeKey Gets the node’s key value.
nodeValues Gets the value of the processed cell.


The BatchEditStartEditing event is raised when the tree list enters the edit mode (for a cell/node) due to an end-user interaction or programmatic call to the ASPxClientTreeListBatchEditApi.StartEdit method. The event provides arguments that allow you to prevent switching a particular cell to the edit mode.

When the TreeListBatchEditSettings.EditMode property is set to Cell, you can set the ASPxClientCancelEventArgs.cancel argument to true to prevent editing the current cell.

function TreeList_BatchEditStartEditing(s, e) {
   e.cancel = true;

When the TreeListBatchEditSettings.EditMode property is set to Node, you can prevent switching particular cells to edit mode using the ASPxClientTreeListBatchEditStartEditingEventArgs.nodeValues event argument. This is a hashtable that maintains information about editable cells. You can prevent displaying editors for particular cells by removing the corresponding entries from nodeValues.

See Also