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ASPxClientGantt.ExportToPdf(options) Method

Exports Gantt chart data to a PDF document.


    options: any
): any


Name Type Description
options any

PDF export options.


Type Description

The PDF document.


The ExportToPdf method allows you to save information about the Gantt chart’s layout, appearance, and tasks. This method supports the following options:

  • format {string | width?: number, height?: number } - Specifies the document size.
  • pdfDocument - {jsPDF} - Specifies the PDF document.
  • landscape {boolean} - Specifies whether to use horizontal orientation for the document.
  • fileName {string} - Specifies the file name.
  • exportMode {“all”, “treeList”, “chart”} - Specifies which part of the component to export (chart area, tree list area, or the entire component).
  • dateRange: {“all” | “visible” | startDate? : Date, endDate? : Date, startIndex? : number, endIndex? : number } - Specifies the date range for which to export tasks.
  • margins { left?: number, top?: number, right?: number, bottom?: number } - Specifies the outer indents of the exported area.
  • font - Specifies the font.
    • fontObject - A custom font object. Use the jsPDF font converter to generate a custom font object. Specify font settings and load your font file (.ttf). The converter generates a .js file with the content of your font file. Add the generated .js file or only a base64-encoded string from this file to your project to export data with your font.
    • name - The font name.
    • style {“normal”, “bold”, “italic”} - The font style.
    • weight {“normal”, “bold”, number (400,700)} - The font weight.

Run Demo: ASPxGantt - Export to PDF Run Demo: MVCxGantt - Export to PDF

<dx:ASPxGantt ID="Gantt" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="clientGantt" >
var myfont = 'AAEAAAAS...';

var exportOptions = {
    format: "A4",
    landscape: true,
    exportMode: "chart",
    dateRange: "visible",
    font: {
        fontObject: myfont,
        name: 'Roboto-BoldItalic',
See Also