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ASPxDateEdit.CalendarCustomDisabledDate Event

Allows you to disable the editor calendar’s days.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.v19.1.dll


public event EventHandler<CalendarCustomDisabledDateEventArgs> CalendarCustomDisabledDate

Event Data

The CalendarCustomDisabledDate event's data class is CalendarCustomDisabledDateEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Date Gets the currently processed date.
IsDisabled Specifies whether the processed date is disabled for selection.


The CalendarCustomDisabledDate event is raised on the server side each time a day cell needs to be rendered within the calendar. You can use the CalendarCustomDisabledDateEventArgs.Date event argument property to determine the currently processed day. The CalendarCustomDisabledDateEventArgs.IsDisabled property allows you to specify the date avalability for the selection.

Additionally, you can use the ASPxClientDateEdit.CalendarCustomDisabledDate event to disable dates on the client side. The ASPxDateEdit.DisabledDates property allows you to specify a collection of dates to be disabled in a calendar control.


The CustomDisabledDate event handlers affect the manner in which the calendar is updated (navigates to another month/year).

  • When only the client-side ASPxClientDateEdit.CalendarCustomDisabledDate event is handled, the calendar operates on the client side.
  • When only the server-side CalendarCustomDisabledDate event is handled, the manner in which the calendar is updated depends upon the ASPxEdit.AutoPostBack property setting. If the ASPxEdit.AutoPostBack property is set to true, the calendar initiates a postback to the server; otherwise, it’s updated using callback technology.
  • When both events are handled, the calendar operates on the client side. However, for the calendar to work properly, you should provide equivalent logic in both the client and server-side event handlers.


<dx:ASPxDateEdit ID="dateEdit" runat="server" EditFormat="Custom" Date="2009-11-02 09:23" 
        <TimeEditProperties EditFormatString="hh:mm tt" />
        <FastNavProperties DisplayMode="Inline" />


See Also