The following example shows how to prevent end-users from changing the filter condition.In this example, the FieldFilterChanging event is handled to prevent an end-user from hiding the 'Beverages' field value. If an end-user tries to hide the 'Beverages' field value, the event handler sets the event parameter's Cancel property to true to cancel changing the filter condition.
<%@ Page Language ="C#" AutoEventWireup ="true" CodeBehind ="Default.aspx.cs"
Inherits ="ASPxPivotGrid_CancelFilterChange._Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly ="DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid.v10.2, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a"
Namespace ="DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid"
TagPrefix ="dx" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
"" >
<html xmlns ="" >
<head runat ="server" >
<title > Untitled Page</title >
</head >
<body >
<form id ="form1" runat ="server" >
<div >
<dx:ASPxPivotGrid ID ="ASPxPivotGrid1" runat ="server" DataSourceID ="AccessDataSource1"
OnFieldFilterChanging ="ASPxPivotGrid1_FieldFilterChanging" >
<Fields >
<dx:PivotGridField ID ="fieldProductName" Area ="RowArea" AreaIndex ="1"
Caption ="Product Name" FieldName ="ProductName" >
</dx:PivotGridField >
<dx:PivotGridField ID ="fieldShippedYear" Area ="ColumnArea" AreaIndex ="0" Caption ="Year"
FieldName ="ShippedDate" GroupInterval ="DateYear" InnerGroupIndex ="0" >
</dx:PivotGridField >
<dx:PivotGridField ID ="fieldProductSales" Area ="DataArea" AreaIndex ="0" Caption ="Sales"
FieldName ="ProductSales" >
</dx:PivotGridField >
<dx:PivotGridField ID ="fieldCategoryName" Area ="RowArea" AreaIndex ="0"
Caption ="Category Name" FieldName ="CategoryName" >
</dx:PivotGridField >
</Fields >
</dx:ASPxPivotGrid >
<asp:AccessDataSource ID ="AccessDataSource1" runat ="server" DataFile ="~/nwind.mdb"
SelectCommand ="SELECT [CategoryName], [ProductName], [ProductSales],
[ShippedDate] FROM [ProductReports]" >
</asp:AccessDataSource >
</div >
</form >
</body >
</html >
using System.Web.UI ;
using DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid ;
using DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid ;
namespace ASPxPivotGrid_CancelFilterChange {
public partial class _Default : Page {
protected void ASPxPivotGrid1_FieldFilterChanging (object sender,
PivotFieldFilterChangingEventArgs e ) {
if (Equals(e.Field, fieldCategoryName)) {
if ((e.Field.FilterValues.FilterType == PivotFilterType.Excluded &&
e.Values.Contains("Beverages" )) ||
(e.Field.FilterValues.FilterType == PivotFilterType.Included &&
!e.Values.Contains("Beverages" ))) {
e.Cancel = true ;
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid
Imports DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid
Namespace ASPxPivotGrid_CancelFilterChange
Partial Public Class _Default
Inherits Page
Protected Sub ASPxPivotGrid1_FieldFilterChanging(ByVal sender As Object , _
ByVal e As PivotFieldFilterChangingEventArgs)
If Equals (e.Field, fieldCategoryName) Then
If (e.Field.FilterValues.FilterType = PivotFilterType.Excluded AndAlso _
e.Values.Contains("Beverages" )) OrElse _
(e.Field.FilterValues.FilterType = PivotFilterType.Included AndAlso _
(Not e.Values.Contains("Beverages" ))) Then
e.Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
<%@ Page Language ="vb" AutoEventWireup ="true" CodeBehind ="Default.aspx.vb"
Inherits ="ASPxPivotGrid_CancelFilterChange._Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly ="DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid.v10.2, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a"
Namespace ="DevExpress.Web.ASPxPivotGrid"
TagPrefix ="dx" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
"" >
<html xmlns ="" >
<head runat ="server" >
<title > Untitled Page</title >
</head >
<body >
<form id ="form1" runat ="server" >
<div >
<dx:ASPxPivotGrid ID ="ASPxPivotGrid1" runat ="server" DataSourceID ="AccessDataSource1"
OnFieldFilterChanging ="ASPxPivotGrid1_FieldFilterChanging" >
<Fields >
<dx:PivotGridField ID ="fieldProductName" Area ="RowArea" AreaIndex ="1"
Caption ="Product Name" FieldName ="ProductName" >
</dx:PivotGridField >
<dx:PivotGridField ID ="fieldShippedYear" Area ="ColumnArea" AreaIndex ="0" Caption ="Year"
FieldName ="ShippedDate" GroupInterval ="DateYear" InnerGroupIndex ="0" >
</dx:PivotGridField >
<dx:PivotGridField ID ="fieldProductSales" Area ="DataArea" AreaIndex ="0" Caption ="Sales"
FieldName ="ProductSales" >
</dx:PivotGridField >
<dx:PivotGridField ID ="fieldCategoryName" Area ="RowArea" AreaIndex ="0"
Caption ="Category Name" FieldName ="CategoryName" >
</dx:PivotGridField >
</Fields >
</dx:ASPxPivotGrid >
<asp:AccessDataSource ID ="AccessDataSource1" runat ="server" DataFile ="~/nwind.mdb"
SelectCommand ="SELECT [CategoryName], [ProductName], [ProductSales],
[ShippedDate] FROM [ProductReports]" >
</asp:AccessDataSource >
</div >
</form >
</body >
</html >