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Member Table: Templates

Below is the list of the primary members which can be used to access templates and specify which template to use in the ASPxScheduler suite.

#Public Properties

Name Description
ASPxScheduler.Templates Provides access to a SchedulerTemplates object containing templates for visual elements of the ASPxScheduler.
DayView.Templates Provides access to a DayViewTemplates object containing templates for visual elements of the Day View.
TimelineView.Templates Provides access to a TimelineViewTemplates object containing templates for visual elements of the Timeline View.
SchedulerFormEventArgs.FormTemplateUrl Gets or sets the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the form template.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsForms.AppointmentFormTemplateUrl Gets or sets a template location for the appointment’s editing form.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsForms.GotoDateFormTemplateUrl Gets or sets a template location for the form used to navigate to a particular date.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsForms.RecurrentAppointmentEditFormTemplateUrl Gets or sets a template location for the form used to prompt the user for editing of the recurrent appointment.
ASPxSchedulerOptionsForms.RecurrentAppointmentDeleteFormTemplateUrl Gets or sets a template location for the form used to prompt the user for the deletion of the recurrent appointment.