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Cookie Support

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ASPxDockPanel and ASPxDockManager can use cookies to persist information about dock panels on the page.

#Dock Panel Cookies

Use the ASPxPopupControlBase.SaveStateToCookies property to control whether a dock panel cookie is used to maintain panel settings. When the ASPxPopupControlBase.SaveStateToCookies property is set to true, the ASPxPopupControlBase.SaveStateToCookiesID property can be used to specify the name (identifier) of the cookie.

When the ASPxPopupControlBase.SaveStateToCookies property is set to true, the dock panel cookie maintains the following panel settings:

  • Visibility
  • Size (width and height)
  • Position (x- and y-coordinates)
  • Maximize state
  • Minimize state
  • Pin state

If the browser or device supports cookies, then cookies are used to persist the information; otherwise, information is lost between different requests for the same page from the client device’s browser.

#Dock Manager Cookies

Use the ASPxDockManager.SaveStateToCookies property to control whether a dock manager cookie is used to maintain information about all dock panels on the page. When the ASPxDockManager.SaveStateToCookies property is set to true, you can use the ASPxDockManager.SaveStateToCookiesID property to specify the name (identifier) of the cookie.

When the ASPxDockManager.SaveStateToCookies property is set to true, the dock manager cookie maintains the following information about every dock panel on the page.

  • Visibility
  • Size (width and height)
  • Position (x- and y-coordinates)
  • Allowed dock state
  • The unique identifier of a zone that owns the panel.
  • Position amongst the visible panels within the zone (visible index)

If the browser or device supports cookies, then cookies are used to persist the information; otherwise, information is lost between different requests for the same page from the client device’s browser.