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Hint Control

  • 4 minutes to read

The DevExpress ASP.NET Hint Control (ASPxHint) allows you to generate a hint message for a UI element on a web page. The hint is displayed in a box with an arrow that targets the specified UI element when users hover over this element.


#Visual Elements

The following image illustrates the ASPxHint‘s visual elements:


#Server-Side Features

#Client-Side Features

#Get Started

  • Step 1. Create a new website or open an existing one in Visual Studio. Locate the ASPxHint item in the Visual Studio toolbox and drop it onto the form.


    <dx:ASPxHint ID="ASPxHint1" runat="server"></dx:ASPxHint>
  • Step 2. Add a button to a form with the specified style settings. A hint is displayed when a user moves the mouse pointer over this button.

        .myClass[title] {/* style settings*/}
    <asp:Button ID="Button1" CssClass="myClass" runat="server" Text="Button" />
  • Step 3. Set the hint’s ASPxHint.TargetSelector and ASPxHint.Content properties to specify the web page element(s) for which the hint displays and the hint’s content, respectively.

    <dx:ASPxHint ID="ASPxHint1" TargetSelector=".myClass"  Content="Hint Content" runat="server"></dx:ASPxHint>
  • Step 4. Run the website to see the result.



Use the ASPxClientHint.Update method to update the ASPxHint’s target UI elements as the hint doesn’t automatically inspect the changes in the DOM tree if any element has been removed or added on the page.


You can see ASPxHint in action in the following online demos:

See Also