Modifying Themes
- 2 minutes to read
You may need to make minor changes to a DevExpress Theme, and use it to theme an individual DevExpress control, web page or entire website. For example, you can modify predefined color settings or make changes to images.
There are many approaches to modify and apply a custom theme. The most practical approaches are described below.
Create a custom theme assembly and add it via the web.config file as follows (the DevExpress recommended approach):
- Create a new theme via the ASP.NET Theme Builder tool to modify any default DevExpress theme (Metropolis, Office 365, Compact, etc.) and save it;
- Generate a custom theme assembly that will contain your theme’s required resource files (e.g., skins, CSS files, images, image sprites);
- Attach a custom theme assembly to your project;
- Apply the theme to an individual DevExpress control, web page or an entire site via specific DevExpress options.
Create a custom theme and import it to a project via the ASP.NET theme mechanism as follows:
- Create a new theme via the ASP.NET Theme Builder tool to modify any default DevExpress theme (Metropolis, Office 365, Compact, etc.) and save it;
- Use the ASP.NET mechanism to copy the theme to your project’s App_Themes folder and apply the theme to an individual control, a web page or an entire site.