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Generating a Custom Theme Assembly

  • 2 minutes to read

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a theme assembly from your custom theme. To learn how to create a custom theme, see the Creating a New Theme topic.

To create a theme assembly, follow the steps below.

  1. Within ASPxThemeBuilder, click the File menu, and then click Create Assembly… As a result, the Create Theme Assembly dialog box will be displayed.


  2. The Assembly name box allows you to specify the name for the newly created assembly. In this lesson, type MyThemeAssembly.
  3. Leave the Auto-generated check box selected.
  4. In the Location combo box, you can type or select a folder where themes for the assembly are placed. Leave the current D:\MyThemes folder.
  5. The Themes check box list displays a list of themes located within the specified folder. You can select themes to be included to the assembly you create. In this lesson, we have only the MyDevExTheme theme. Select it and click OK to create the assembly.

The assembly will be placed at the selected location.


When you update a DevExpress product version, you should re-create an assembly under the new version of ASPxThemeBuilder.


To learn how to apply the created theme assembly, see the Using a Custom Theme Assembly topic.