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ASPxVerticalGrid displays three types of cells.
Data cells belong to data rows and display field values.
Command cells belong to command rows and display command buttons that enable end-users to manipulate ASPxVerticalGrid data.
Edit cells are displayed when ASPxVerticalGrid is in batch edit mode and allow edited record values to be modified.
#Data Cell
ASPxVerticalGrid displays data using rows and records. Each record displays data cells. Each data cell value corresponds to a field value within a record.
Data cells are at the intersection of rows and records (data rows). To identify a cell when obtaining its value, you need to know its owning row and record (data row). A record is identified by its visible position (index) within ASPxVerticalGrid. A row is identified by its ID, caption or the name of the data source field to which it is bound.
The following sample code obtains the department displayed within the first visible record and its budget.
object cellValues = ASPxVerticalGrid1.GetRecordValues(0, new string[] {"Department", "Budget"});
#Edit Cells
Edit cells are displayed when ASPxVerticalGrid is in batch edit mode. They correspond to data rows and allow their values within the edited record to be changed.
The editor displayed within the edit cell is specified by the row’s VerticalGridDataRow.PropertiesEdit property.
The style settings used to paint edit cells can be accessed using the VerticalGridStyles.BatchEditCell property. Data rows provide the VerticalGridDataRow.BatchEditModifiedCellStyle property, which allows their modified cells to be painted using custom style settings.
#Command Cells
ASPxVerticalGrid provides command rows that allow end-users to manipulate its data (switch the vertical grid to batch edit mode, update data, select and deselect records, etc.). Command rows display command cells. A command cell displays command items.