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Count the Number of Records in a Report or Group

This document describes how to display the number or records in a report or group.

  1. Right-click the report’s design surface and add a report header or footer to display the record count for the entire report.



    Use a group header/footer for displaying record counts for groups, and a page header/footer for displaying record counts for pages.

  2. Switch to the Field List and drop the data field onto the header band to create a data-bound label:


  3. Click the label’s smart tag. In the invoked Label Tasks window, click the Summary field’s ellipsis button.


  4. In the Summary Editor window:

    • Set the Running property. Select Report to count the records throughout the entire report, or select Group or Page to reset the record count for every group or page.
    • Set the Func property to Count.
    • Set the Argument expression editor value to [ProductName].


  5. Back in the Label Tasks window, you can use the FormatString property to format the resulting value:


  6. Drop the ProductName field onto the Detail band:


  7. Switch to the Preview window to see the resulting report:
