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IDialogFormCustomizer Members

Defines classes that customize both the Column Chooser dialog and the Edit Form.


Name Description
BackgroundColor Specifies the background color of the Column Chooser dialog and the popup edit form.
CaptionBackgroundColor Specifies the caption’s background color of the Column Chooser dialog, popup and full screen edit forms.
CaptionFont Specifies the font used to display captions of the Column Chooser dialog and the popup edit forms.
FullScreenBackgroundColor Specifies the background color for the Full Screen Area and Grid Area edit modes.
FullScreenBorderColor Specifies the color of the line dividing the Full Screen Area edit form from the caption and the content.
FullScreenCaptionFont Specifies the font used to display captions of the Full Screen Area and the Grid Area edit forms.
PanelPadding Specifies the internal space between the Column Chooser dialog’s and the edit form‘s content and their edges.
See Also