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NumericChartRangeControlClient.Range Property

Provides access to the range settings of the numeric chart range control client.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public NumericChartRangeControlClientRange Range { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A NumericChartRangeControlClientRange object that contains settings to customize the range of the numeric chart range control client.


Use the Range property to access the range settings of the numeric chart range control client. After that, you can define a custom range using the NumericChartRangeControlClientRange.Min and NumericChartRangeControlClientRange.Max properties or use the automatic range calculation (the ChartRangeControlClientRange.Auto is set to true).


This example shows how to bind a numeric chart range control client to a System.Collections.Generic.List containing NumericItem objects.

In order to provide data to a chart numeric range control client, you need to access the ChartRangeControlClientDataProvider object using the ChartRangeControlClientBase.DataProvider property and assign a data source to the ChartRangeControlClientDataProvider.DataSource property.

Each NumericItem object contains Argument, Value and Series properties, to which a numeric chart range control client is bound via its ChartRangeControlClientDataProvider.ArgumentDataMember, ChartRangeControlClientDataProvider.ValueDataMember, and ChartRangeControlClientDataProvider.SeriesDataMember (optional) properties.

In addition, this example shows how to customize chart client common settings (e.g., change the numeric range, customize template view and grid options).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraEditors;

namespace NumericChartClient {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {

        const int pointCount = 20;
        const int seriesCount = 2;
        Random rand = new Random();
        List<NumericItem> data = new List<NumericItem>();

        public Form1() {

            // Assign a numeric chart client to the Range control. 
            rangeControl1.Client = numericChartRangeControlClient1;

            // Generate a list of NumericItem objects and bind the numeric chart client to it.
            numericChartRangeControlClient1.DataProvider.DataSource = GenerateNumericData();

            // Specify data members to bind the chart client.
            numericChartRangeControlClient1.DataProvider.ArgumentDataMember = "Argument";
            numericChartRangeControlClient1.DataProvider.ValueDataMember = "Value";
            numericChartRangeControlClient1.DataProvider.SeriesDataMember = "Series";

            // Specify the chart range control client view.
            AreaChartRangeControlClientView areaView = new AreaChartRangeControlClientView();
            numericChartRangeControlClient1.DataProvider.TemplateView = areaView;

            // Customize the area view appearance. 
            areaView.AreaOpacity = 90;
            areaView.Color = Color.Gray;
            areaView.ShowMarkers = true;
            areaView.MarkerSize = 5;
            areaView.MarkerColor = Color.Red;

            // Specify the palette name to get a nice-looking chart.
            numericChartRangeControlClient1.PaletteName = "NatureColors";

            // Change the default range of the numeric chart range control client.          
            numericChartRangeControlClient1.Range.Min = 4;
            numericChartRangeControlClient1.Range.Max = 12;

            // Customize the grid options of the numeric chart range control client.          
            numericChartRangeControlClient1.GridOptions.GridSpacing = 2;
            numericChartRangeControlClient1.GridOptions.SnapSpacing = 1;

        List<NumericItem> GenerateNumericData() {

            for (int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < seriesCount; seriesIndex++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) {
                    data.Add(new NumericItem() {
                        Argument = i,
                        Value = rand.Next(0, 30) + i,
                        Series = seriesIndex
            return data;

    public class NumericItem {
        public double Argument { get; set; }
        public double Value { get; set; }
        public double Series { get; set; }
See Also