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DevExpress.XtraCharts.Wizard Namespace

Contains classes which are intended to invoke the XtraCharts wizard.

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraCharts.v24.1.Wizard.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Charts


Name Description
AnnotationPageTabCollection A collection of page tabs to be hidden on the Annotations wizard page.
ApplyChangesEventArgs Obsolete. Provides data for a wizard page’s WizardPage.ApplyChanges event.
AxisPageTabCollection A collection of page tabs to be hidden on the Axes wizard page.
ChartPageTabCollection A collection of page tabs to be hidden on the Chart wizard page.
ChartWizard Obsolete. The Chart Wizard used to design a chart at runtime.
DataPageTabCollection A collection of page tabs to be hidden on the Data wizard page.
DiagramPageTabCollection A collection of page tabs to be hidden on the Diagram wizard page.
FilterSeriesTypesCollection Represents a collection of view types to be hidden on the Chart Wizard.
InitializePageEventArgs Obsolete. Provides data for a wizard page’s WizardPage.InitializePage event.
LegendPageTabCollection A collection of page tabs to be hidden on the Legend wizard page.
PanePageTabCollection A collection of page tabs to be hidden on the Panes wizard page.
SeriesLabelsPageTabCollection A collection of page tabs to be hidden on the Point Labels wizard page.
SeriesPageTabCollection A collection of page tabs to be hidden on the Series wizard page.
SeriesViewPageTabCollection A collection of page tabs to be hidden on the Series Views wizard page.
TitlePageTabCollection A collection of page tabs to be hidden on the Chart Titles wizard page.
WizardAnnotationPage Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables the creation and customization of annotations.
WizardAxisPage Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables modification of the properties of axes, their elements (labels, gridlines, tickmarks), stripes and constant lines on a diagram.
WizardChartPage Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables modification of the properties of a chart, including its background color, fill style, background image and border options.
WizardControlBase Obsolete. The base class for the Chart Wizard control.
WizardDataPage Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables the modification of the series points data and series binding.
WizardDiagramPage Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables customization of the diagram appearance, background, padding, add secondary axes.
WizardGroup Obsolete. Represents a group of pages in the Chart Wizard.
WizardLegendPage Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables customization of the visual appearance and layout of a chart legend.
WizardPage Obsolete. Represents a page in the Chart Wizard.
WizardPanePage Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables modification of the properties of panes, including their name, size, border, shadow and other options.
WizardSeriesLabelsPage Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables customization of the point label properties of a series - their visual layout and appearance.
WizardSeriesPage Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables modification of the properties of series, including name, visibility, scale type, sorting, point and other options.
WizardSeriesViewPage Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables modification of the specific properties of a chart series.
WizardTitlePage Obsolete. Represents a Chart Wizard page which enables customization of the text and layout of the chart’s title.


Name Description
ApplyChangesEventHandler Obsolete. Represents a method that will handle the WizardPage.ApplyChanges event.
InitializePageEventHandler Obsolete. Represents a method that will handle the WizardPage.InitializePage event.


Name Description
AnnotationPageTab Lists the values that specify tabs on the Annotations page of the Chart Wizard.
AxisPageTab Lists the values that specify tabs on the Axes page of the Chart Wizard.
ChartPageTab Lists the values that specify tabs on the Chart page of the Chart Wizard.
DataPageTab Lists the values that specify tabs on the Data page of the Chart Wizard.
DiagramPageTab Lists the values that specify tabs on the Diagram page of the Chart Wizard.
LegendPageTab Lists the values that specify tabs on the Legend page of the Chart Wizard.
PanePageTab Lists the values that specify tabs on the Panes page of the Chart Wizard.
SeriesLabelsPageTab Lists the values that specify tabs on the Point Labels page of the Chart Wizard.
SeriesPageTab Lists the values that specify tabs on the Series page of the Chart Wizard.
SeriesViewPageTab Lists the values that specify tabs on the Series Views page of the Chart Wizard.
TitlePageTab Lists the values that specify tabs on the Chart Titles page of the Chart Wizard.
WizardPageType Lists the values specifying the type of a WizardPage in the Chart Wizard.