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How To: Create a Page Container

  • 4 minutes to read


  1. Create a Windows Forms Application.
  2. Windows UI applications are generally designed to run in full-screen mode. Modify the main form to meet these requirements. Set the FormBorderStyle property to None and the WindowState property to Maximized.
  3. Drop a DocumentManager component on the form.
  4. Change the DocumentManager‘s View to WindowsUI View. Click the DocumentManager‘s smart tag and select the Convert To WindowsUIView option.

    Metro Getting Started - Convert To Metro View

Creating Page

  1. Run the Document Manager Designer.

    DocumentManager - Designer Metro

  2. Switch to the designer’s ‘Documents’ section and add a Document by clicking the corresponding button.

    Metro Getting Started - Add Documents

    After the Document is created, a TileContainer and a Tile corresponding to this Document are automatically generated. We do not need these objects and will remove them utilizing the following steps.

  3. Go to the designer’s ‘Tiles’ page. Delete the automatically created Tile via the ‘Delete Tile’ button.

    Metro Getting Started - Automatic Tiles

  4. Switch to the designer’s ‘Content Containers’ page and delete the automatically created TileContainer via the ‘Delete Container’ button.

    Metro Getting Started - Automatic Container

  5. Create a Page container. To do so, click the ‘Add New Container’ button and select ‘Page’ from the drop-down menu.

    Metro Getting Started - Page Create Container

  6. Go to the designer’s ‘Navigation Tree’ section. Here you can see the application’s hierarchy. The topmost container is our Page. It does not yet contain any documents (its Page.Document property is empty). Add the document to the Page by dragging them from the ‘Documents’ panel into the ‘Page 1’ node. The resulting navigation tree will look like following.

    Metro Getting Started - Page Hierarchy

  7. The Document created in step 6 is empty. In order to display content within this document, we will use the Deferred Load feature. With this feature, contents for Documents will be provided on an event. Switch to the designer’s ‘Views’ page and select the WindowsUIView object. In the property grid, switch to events and double-click the BaseView.QueryControl event.

    Metro Getting Started - QueryControl Event

    Type the following code in the BaseView.QueryControl event handler.

    private void windowsUIView1_QueryControl(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.QueryControlEventArgs e) {
            e.Control = new RichEditControl() { Text = "Text1" };

    As you noticed, RichEditControl is used as the Document‘s content. To compile and run the solution, ensure that all required assemblies are included in the solution.

  8. Run the application. The result is demonstrated in the figure below.

    Metro Getting Started - Page Result

Additional Settings

You can customize the Page‘s advanced settings in the designer’s ‘Content Containers’ page. For instance you can change the Page‘s caption and orientation according to which its child Document is arranged. Also, to modify container’s appearance settings you can switch to the designer’s ‘Appearance’ page.

Metro Getting Started - Appearances


This section demonstrates how to create the example in code. Because of automatic Tiles and TileContainer generation (see step 6), we have to use the WindowsUIView.QueryStartupContentContainer to set an application start-up container.

private void windowsUIView1_QueryStartupContentContainer(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.WindowsUI.QueryContentContainerEventArgs e) {
    WindowsUIView view = sender as WindowsUIView;
    //Creating a document
    DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.WindowsUI.Document doc1 = new DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.WindowsUI.Document() { Caption = "Document 1" };
    //Creating and populating content container
    DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.WindowsUI.Page page1 = new DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.WindowsUI.Page();
    page1.Document = doc1;
    //Additional settings
    page1.Caption = "Page";
    page1.Properties.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
    view.AppearanceCaption.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed;
    //Setting a start-up container
    e.ContentContainer = page1;

private void windowsUIView1_QueryControl(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.QueryControlEventArgs e) {
        e.Control = new RichEditControl() { Text = "Text 1" };