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ButtonInfo Members

Represents a button for a button editor.


Name Description
ButtonInfo() Initializes a new instance of the ButtonInfo class with default settings.


Name Description
ActualContentPaddingProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.ActualContentPadding dependency property.
ActualImagePaddingProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.ActualImagePadding dependency property.
ActualTemplateProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.ActualTemplate dependency property.
ButtonKindProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.ButtonKind dependency property.
ClickModeProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.ClickMode dependency property.
CommandParameterProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.CommandParameter dependency property.
CommandProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.Command dependency property.
ContentPaddingProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.ContentPadding dependency property.
GlyphKindProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.GlyphKind dependency property.
ImageNineGridProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.ImageNineGrid dependency property.
ImagePaddingProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.ImagePadding dependency property.
ImageSourceProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.ImageSource dependency property.
ImageStretchProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.ImageStretch dependency property.
IsCheckedProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.IsChecked dependency property.
IsDefaultProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.IsDefault dependency property.
IsLeftProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.IsLeft dependency property.
TemplateRepeatProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.TemplateRepeat dependency property.
TemplateSimpleProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.TemplateSimple dependency property.
TemplateToggleProperty static Identifies the ButtonInfo.TemplateToggle dependency property.


Name Description
ActualContentPadding Gets the actual padding (inner indents) for the current button’s content. This is a dependency property.
ActualImagePadding Gets the actual padding (inner indents) for the current button’s image. This is a dependency property.
ActualTemplate Gets or sets the actual data template used to present the button’s content. This is a dependency property.
ButtonKind Gets a value that specifies the button’s behavior. This is a dependency property.
ClickMode Gets or sets when the ButtonInfo.Click event occurs. This is a dependency property.
Command Gets or sets a command associated with the button. This is a dependency property.
CommandParameter Gets or sets a parameter to pass to the ButtonInfo.Command property. This is a dependency property.
ContentPadding Gets or sets the amount of space between the button content and its borders. This is a dependency property.
GlyphKind Gets or sets the type of the button’s image. This is a dependency property.
ImageNineGrid Gets or sets the nine-grid values used to resize the button’s image.
ImagePadding Gets or sets the amount of space between the button image’s borders and its contents. This is a dependency property.
ImageSource Gets or sets the button’s image.
ImageStretch Gets or sets a value that specifies how a button’s image should be resized to fill its allocated space. This is a dependency property.
IsChecked Gets or sets whether the button is checked. This is a dependency property.
IsDefault Gets or sets whether the button is the default button. This is a dependency property.
IsLeft Gets or sets the button’s alignment within a TextEdit control. This is a dependency property.
TemplateRepeat Gets or sets a template used to display a button which ButtonInfo.ButtonKind property is set to ButtonKind.Repeat. This is a dependency property.
TemplateSimple Gets or sets a template used to display a button which ButtonInfo.ButtonKind property is set to ButtonKind.Simple. This is a dependency property.
TemplateToggle Gets or sets a template used to display a button which ButtonInfo.ButtonKind property is set to ButtonKind.Toggle. This is a dependency property.

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Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
Click Occurs when a button is clicked.
See Also