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DevExpress.WinUI.Grid Namespace

Contains classes which implement the main functionality of the DevExpress Grid Control.

Assembly: DevExpress.WinUI.Grid.v23.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.WinUI


Name Description
AlternateRowBackgroundPalette The palette used to paint the background of alternate rows. The palette consists of the AlternateRowBackgroundPaletteItem objects.
AlternateRowBackgroundPaletteItem An item in the AlternateRowBackgroundPalette.
AutoFilterRowData Contains information about the Auto Filter Row.
AutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs Provides data for the AutoGeneratingColumn event.
BaseAsyncArgs Populates the FetchRows, GetTotalSummaries, and GetUniqueValues events with data.
CellData Contains information about grid cells.
CellStyleSettings Contains style settings that specify cell appearance.
CellValueChangedEventArgs Contains data for the CellValueChanged and CellValueChanging events.
ClipboardRowCopyingEventArgs Contains data for the ClipboardRowCopying event.
ClipboardRowPastingEventArgs Contains data for the ClipboardRowPasting event.
ClipboardValueInfo Contains information about the copied grid element (a column header, group row, or data cell) with its appearance settings.
ClipboardValueInfoCollection Stores information about the copied grid element (a column headers collection, group row, or data row) with its appearance settings.
ColumnBase Serves as a base for classes that represent data columns.
CurrentColumnChangedEventArgs Provides data for the CurrentColumnChanged event.
CurrentItemChangedEventArgs Provides data for the CurrentItemChanged event.
CustomCellAppearanceEventArgs Provides data for the CustomCellAppearance event.
CustomColumnDisplayTextEventArgs Contains data for the CustomColumnDisplayText event.
CustomColumnSortEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.CustomColumnSort event.
CustomGroupDisplayTextEventArgs Contains data for the CustomGroupDisplayText event.
CustomUniqueValuesEventArgs Contains data for the CustomUniqueValues event.
DataControlBase Serves as a base for classes that represents data-aware controls (e.g. GridControl).
DataControlCommandsBase Contains built-in commands for data-aware controls (the DataControlBase descendants).
EditorEventArgs Contains data for the ShownEditor and HiddenEditor events.
EditorEventArgsBase Serves as a base class for the EditorEventArgs class.
FetchEventArgsBase Contains data for the FetchRows event.
FetchRowsAsyncEventArgs Provides data for the FetchRows event.
FetchRowsEventArgsBase Contains data for the FetchRows event.
FetchRowsResult The result of the fetch rows operation.
FilterPopupEventArgs Contains data for the ShowFilterPopup event.
Format Contains appearance settings for conditional formatting.
FormatCondition Represents a conditional format based on a formula.
FormatConditionBase Serves as a base class for conditional formats.
FormatConditionCollection Stores conditional formats applied to the GridControl.
GetSummariesAsyncEventArgs Provides data for the GetTotalSummaries event.
GetSummariesEventArgsBase Contains data for the GetTotalSummaries event.
GetUniqueValuesAsyncEventArgs Provides data for the GetUniqueValues event.
GetUniqueValuesEventArgsBase Contains data for the GetUniqueValues event.
GridCell Represents an object which corresponds to a data cell.
GridCellValidationEventArgs Populates the ColumnBase.Validate and GridControl.ValidateCell events with data.
GridCheckBoxColumn Represents a column with Boolean values.
GridColumnCollection Represents the grid’s column collection.
GridColumnCommands Stores the GridControl column’s commands.
GridColumnContextMenuInfo Contains information about the column header’s context menu.
GridColumnDataEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.CustomUnboundColumnData event.
GridComboBoxColumn Represents a column that represents lists.
GridCommonContextMenuInfo Contains information about the context menu invoked for the GridControl‘s empty space.
GridContextMenuInfoBase The base class for context menu info classes used in GridControl context menus.
GridControl The Data Grid control.
GridControlCommands Contains built-in grid commands.
GridDateColumn Represents a column that represents Date-Time values.
GridGroupPanelContextMenuInfo Contains information about a context menu invoked for the group panel.
GridGroupSummaryItem The GridControl‘s group summary item.
GridGroupSummaryItemCollection The collection of the GridControl‘s group summaries.
GridMaskColumn Represents a column that provides masking capabilities for text values.
GridPrintBrickStyle Contains appearance settings of a GridControl‘s element (brick) when it is printed.
GridRowCellContextMenuInfo Contains information about a context menu invoked for a row cell.
GridRowValidationEventArgs Populates the GridControl.ValidateRow event with data.
GridSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SelectionChanged event.
GridSpinEditColumn Represents a column with numeric values.
GridTemplateColumn Represents a column allowing you to implement custom data presentation.
GridTextColumn Represents a column with text values.
GridTextColumnBase Serves as a base for classes that represent grid columns.
GridTotalSummaryData Contains information about total summaries in the Fixed Summary Panel.
GridTotalSummaryItem The GridControl‘s total summary item.
GridTotalSummaryItemCollection The collection of the GridControl‘s total summaries.
GroupColumnSummaryData Contains information about group summaries aligned by columns.
GroupRowData Contains information about group rows.
GroupRowExpandButton The default expand button displayed in the group row.
GroupRowExpandButtonStyleSettings Contains style settings that specify the appearance of expand buttons displayed in group rows.
GroupSummaryData Contains information about group summaries.
GroupValueData Contains information about a group row‘s value.
HeaderData Contains information about column headers.
HeaderRowData Contains information about the Row Indicator Header.
InfiniteAsyncSource A virtual source component that allows you to bind the GridControl to a data source and display data with infinite scrolling.
InfiniteSourceBase Serves as a base class for infinite sources.
InitNewRowEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.InitNewRow event.
InvalidRowExceptionEventArgs Provides data for the GridControl.InvalidRowException event.
ItemsSourceChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ItemsSourceChanged event.
NewItemRowData Contains information about the New Item Row.
PredefinedFormatNames static Lists names of the GridControl‘s predefined formats used in conditional formatting rules.
RowAllowEventArgs Contains data for the GroupRowExpanded and GroupRowCollapsed events.
RowData Contains information about data rows.
RowDataBase Contains information about grid rows.
RowEventArgs Contains data for the GridControl.GroupRowExpanded and GridControl.GroupRowCollapsed events.
RowFilterEventArgs Contains data for the CustomRowFilter event.
RowIndicatorImage The default row indicator icon with the row validation tooltip.
RowIndicatorStyleSettings Contains style settings that specify the appearance of the Row Indicator Panel.
RowStyleSettings Contains style settings that allow you to specify a grid row appearance.
SearchPanel The search panel control.
SearchPanelHighlightSettings Contains settings that allow you to specify the appearance of search results.
SummaryItemBase Serves as a base class for summary items.
TopBottomRuleFormatCondition Represents the top-bottom and average conditional formats.
TotalSummaryControl The total summary control.
TotalSummaryRowData Contains information about total summaries in the Summary Panel.
UniqueDuplicateRuleFormatCondition A Unique-Duplicate conditional format.
VirtualSourceBase Serves as a base class for virtual sources.


Name Description
GridColumnWidth A column’s width in the GridControl.


Name Description
CurrentItemChangedEventHandler A method that handles the DataControlBase.CurrentItemChanged event.
CustomColumnSortEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridControl.CustomColumnSort event.
GridColumnDataEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridControl.CustomUnboundColumnData event.
RowEventHandler Represents a method that will handle the GridControl.GroupRowExpanded and GridControl.GroupRowCollapsed events.


Name Description
AutoFilterCondition Lists values that specify the type of the comparison operator used to create filter conditions within the Auto Filter Row.
ClipboardCopyFormats Lists file formats in which the GridControl copies its data to the clipboard.
ClipboardInfoType Lists types of the copied grid elements.
ColumnFilterMode Lists values that specify how column values are filtered.
ConditionRule Contains rules used to determine whether to apply a conditional format to a cell.
CriteriaOperatorType Contains logical criteria operators.
ExceptionMode Lists values that specify how an exception should be handled.
FetchMode Lists values that specify how the InfiniteAsyncSource fetches rows.
FilterPopupMode Lists values that specify the display mode of a column’s drop-down filter.
FindMode Lists values that specify when data searching starts.
GridColumnUnitType Lists the values that specify how to calculate a column’s width.
GridContextMenuType Lists values that specify the context menu type.
GroupSummaryDisplayMode Lists values that specify the position of group summaries within a group row.
IndicatorState Contains the row indicator‘s states.
MultiSelectMode Lists values that specify the multiple selection mode.
NavigationStyle Lists values that specify whether to allow users to focus rows and cells.
NewItemRowPosition Lists values that specify the New Item Row‘s position.
RowSelectionState Contains values that specify a row’s selection state.
RowsFetchState Lists states of the fetch rows operation.
ShowFilterPanelMode Lists values that specify when a grid displays the Filter Panel.
ShowSearchPanelMode Lists values that specify when the Search Panel is displayed.
SummaryItemAlignment Lists values that specify a summary item’s horizontal alignment in the Fixed Summary Panel.
SummaryType Lists aggregate function types.
ToolTipShowMode Lists values that specify whether to display tooltips for data cells and column headers.
TopBottomRule Lists rules used in top-bottom format conditions.
UniqueDuplicateRule Lists rules used in unique-duplicate format conditions.