AxisBase.VisualRangeEndValueInternal Property
Specifies the visual range’s end value in internal numeric units.
Namespace: DevExpress.WinUI.Charts
Assembly: DevExpress.WinUI.Charts.v23.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.WinUI
[DP(1, Handler = "VisualRangeEndValueInternalChanged")]
public double VisualRangeEndValueInternal { get; set; }
#Property Value
Type | Description |
Double | The visual range’s end value. |
The chart converts values in axis units to internal values as follows:
- Numeric data values are not converted and remain as is. For example, 10.7 on the axis scale is still 10.7 in internal values.
- Qualitative data values are converted to integers. 0 corresponds to the first qualitative value, 1 to the second value, and so on.
- Date-time data values are converted to values measured in measurement units. 0 corresponds to the range’s start value. Then, the range’s end value is calculated based on the DateTimeGridAlignment value. For example, the data source range is from 2000.01.01 to 2000.02.01. When DateTimeGridAlignment is equal to Month, the resulting range is [0,1] in internal units. When DateTimeGridAlignment is equal to Day, the resulting range is [0,31] in internal units.
Note that the AxisBase.SideMargins property value is also added to the beginning and end of the resulting range measured in internal values. For example, the range from 0 to 31 results to the [-0.5,31.5] range considering SideMargins are set to 0.5.
Use the VisualRangeStartValueInternal property to set the visual range’s start value in internal numeric values.
You can also call the SetVisualRangeInternalValues method to set both start and end values in internal units.