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RibbonControl Properties
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The ribbon control.
Name Description
BackstageView Gets or sets the BackstageView control encapsulating the Main Menu for the Ribbon control.
CanMinimize Gets or sets whether the contents of ribbon tabs are collapsed/expanded on clicking the active tab. This is a dependency property.
ChangeRibbonStateCommand Gets the command that changes the current state of the ribbon. Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
ChangeRibbonViewModeCommand Gets the command that changes the ribbon’s view mode. Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
ContextualHeaderItemContainerStyle Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
ContextualHeaderItemTemplate Gets or sets a template that specifies the appearance of contextual tab item headers. This is a dependency property. Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
EmbedRibbonInWindowTitle Gets or sets whether the RibbonControl replaces the window’s title bar. This is a dependency property.
HeaderItemContainerStyle Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
HeaderItemTemplate Gets or sets a template that defines the presentation of ribbon tab headers. This is a dependency property. Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
HelpPane Gets or sets an object that represents a ribbon help pane. This is a dependency property.
IsTitleEditable Gets or sets whether an end-user can edit the RibbonControl.Title property value at runtime. This is a dependency property.
SelectedTab Gets or sets which of the RibbonControl tabs is currently selected. This is a dependency property.
SelectedTabCaption Gets or sets the caption of the tab that is currently selected. This is a dependency property. Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
ShowTitleBar Gets or sets whether the RibbonControl displays the title bar. This is a dependency property.
State Gets or sets whether a ribbon is collapsed. This is a dependency property. Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
Tabs Gets the collection of RibbonControl tabs.
TabsSource Gets or sets the source of tabs with which this RibbonControlBase should be populated. This is a dependency property. Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
TabTemplate Gets or sets a template that defines the presentation of ribbon tabs. This is a dependency property. Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
TabTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a ribbon tab template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property. Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
Title Gets or sets the title displayed at the top of the Ribbon control.
ViewMode Gets or sets whether or not the auto-hide functionality is enabled. This is a dependency property. Inherited from RibbonControlBase.
See Also