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GridControl Properties
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The grid control.
Name Description
ActiveEditor Gets the active editor. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ActualGroupCount Gets the actual number of grouping columns.

Gets the actual template selector that chooses an item template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.

ActualShowFilterPanel Gets whether the filter panel is displayed within a grid. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
AllowCascadeUpdate Gets or sets whether cascading data updates are allowed in GridControl. This is a dependency property.
AllowColumnFiltering Gets or sets whether an end-user can filter data by column. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
AllowColumnMoving Gets or sets whether an end-user is allowed to move columns by dragging their headers. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
AllowCommitOnValidationAttributeError Gets or sets whether or not a cell’s value that has failed validation specified by the Data Annotations attribute(s), can be posted to a data source. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
AllowEditing Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to change cell values. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
AllowGrouping Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an end-user can group data. This is a dependency property. Inherited from GridControlBase.
AllowHorizontalScrollingVirtualization Gets or sets a value indicating whether virtualization is enabled for horizontal scrolling.
AllowLeaveInvalidEditor Gets or sets whether an editor that did not pass validation can lose focus. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
AllowLiveDataShaping Gets or sets whether or not the grid recalculates sorting/grouping/filtering/summaries automatically when data in a data source is modified outside the grid.
AllowResizing Gets or sets whether end-users can change column widths by dragging the edges of their headers.
AllowSorting Gets or sets whether an end-user can sort data. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
AlternateRowBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of alternate rows. This is a dependency property.
AlternateRowBackgroundPalette Gets or sets the palette used to paint the background of alternate rows. This is a dependency property.
AlternationCount Gets or sets the alternate row frequency. This is a dependency property.
AutoExpandAllGroups Gets or sets whether all group rows are automatically expanded after each grouping operation. This is a dependency property.
AutoGenerateColumns Gets or sets whether columns should be created automatically for all fields in a data source. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
AutoScrollOnSorting Gets or sets whether a grid is automatically scrolled after the order of rows has been changed. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
AutoWidth Gets or sets whether column widths are automatically changed so that the total column width matches the grid width.
CellStyle Gets or sets the style applied to data cells displayed within a grid. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ColumnHeaderStyle Gets or sets the column header’s style. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ColumnHeaderTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of column header content. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ColumnHeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a column header template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ColumnHeaderToolTipTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of a column header’s tooltip. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ColumnMenu Gets or sets the context menu that is invoked when the end-user right-clicks a column header.
Columns Provides access to the grid’s column collection.
Commands Provides access to grid commands.
CurrentColumn Gets or sets the focused column. Inherited from GridControlBase.
CurrentItem Gets or sets the currently focused data row. Inherited from DataControlBase.
FilterCriteria Gets or sets the grid’s filter criteria. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
FilterPanelText Gets the text displayed within the Filter Panel. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
FilterString Gets or sets the grid’s filter expression. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
FixedSummariesLeft Gets total summaries displayed within the Fixed Summary Panel and aligned to the left. Inherited from DataControlBase.
FixedSummariesRight Gets total summaries displayed within the Fixed Summary Panel and aligned to the right. Inherited from DataControlBase.
FixedTotalSummaryItemTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of total summary items. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
FocusedBorderTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of a focused row’s border. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
FormatConditions Provides access to the collection of conditional formatting rules.
GridMenu Gets or sets the context menu that is invoked when the end-user right-clicks within an empty space within the grid.
GroupColumnSummaryContentStyle Gets or sets the style applied to group summary items. This is a dependency property.
GroupPanelMenu Gets or sets the context menu that is invoked when the end-user right-clicks within the Group Panel.
GroupSummary Provides access to group summary items.
GroupSummaryContentStyle Gets or sets the style applied to group summary items. This is a dependency property. Inherited from GridControlBase.
GroupSummaryDisplayMode Gets or sets the position of group summaries within a group row. This is a dependency property.
GroupSummaryItemTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of summary items displayed within group rows. This is a dependency property. Inherited from GridControlBase.
GroupValueTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of column values displayed within group rows. This is a dependency property. Inherited from GridControlBase.
GroupValueTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a group row value template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property. Inherited from GridControlBase.
HasValidationError Gets whether a validation error has been defined for the grid. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
HeadersData Gets the information about column headers. Inherited from DataControlBase.
HorizontalViewport Gets the width of the grid’s client area.
IncrementalLoadingThreshold Gets or sets the threshold range that governs when the grid will begin to prefetch more row items. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
IndicatorWidth Gets or sets the width of the Row Indicator Panel.
IsEditing Gets whether the focused cell is currently being edited. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
IsFilterEnabled Gets or sets whether the current filter is enabled. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
IsGrouped Gets whether the grid’s data is grouped.
IsGroupPanelVisible Gets whether the Group Panel is visible. Inherited from GridControlBase.
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem Gets or sets whether a grid should keep the DataControlBase.SelectedItem synchronized with the current item in the Windows.UI.Xaml.Data.ICollectionView. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ItemClickCommand Gets or sets the command to invoke when an item is clicked. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ItemContainerStyle Gets or sets the style applied to the container element generated for each item within the grid. This is a dependency property.
ItemMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height of rows. This is a dependency property.
ItemNavigationMode Gets or sets whether a single or double tap is needed to navigate to an item. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ItemNavigationTargetParameterBinding Gets or sets a binding that defines a parameter to be passed to the target page, invoked when clicking an item. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ItemNavigationTargetType Allows you to specify a page to be opened when an end-user clicks an item. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ItemsSource Gets or sets the grid’s data source. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ItemTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of data rows. This is a dependency property.
ItemTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a list item template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
KeepFocusedRowOnUpdate Gets or sets whether the currently selected row retains focus when data is sorted, grouped or filtered. Inherited from DataControlBase.
LeftDataAreaIndent This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
LeftGroupAreaIndent This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
NavigationStyle Gets or sets whether row focusing is allowed. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
NewItemRowPosition Gets or sets the New Item Row‘s position within the grid. This is a dependency property.
PreserveSorting Gets or sets whether clicking a column header clears the existing sort settings. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
RightDataAreaIndent This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
RowCellMenu Gets or sets the context menu that is invoked when the end-user right-clicks a data cell, a row or within the Row Indicator Panel.
RowIndicatorHorizontalOffset Gets or sets the horizontal offset for the Row Indicator Panel. This is a dependency property.
SearchColumns Gets or sets the field names against which searches are performed by the Search Panel. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SearchDelay Gets or sets the amount of time in milliseconds, after which a data search is initiated (in an automatic find mode). This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SearchPanelAllowFilter Gets or sets whether the grid displays only those records that match the search criteria. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SearchPanelClearOnClose Gets or sets whether or not the search string is cleared when closing the Search Panel. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SearchPanelCloseDelay Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, after which a Search Panel that doesn’t contain any search criteria is closed. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SearchPanelCriteriaOperatorType Gets or sets the logical operator type (AND or OR). This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SearchPanelFindFilter Gets or sets the type of the comparison operator used to create filter conditions. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SearchPanelFindMode Gets or sets whether data searching starts automatically, or must be started manually. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SearchPanelHighlightingSettings Gets or sets the font settings used to highlight the text that matches the search criteria. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SearchPanelHighlightResults Gets or sets whether to highlight search results within located records. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SearchString Gets or sets the search string specified within the Search Panel. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SelectedItem Get or sets the currently focused data item. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SelectedItemHandle Gets or sets the selected item’s handle. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SelectedItems Gets data objects that correspond to items currently selected within a grid. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SelectionMode Gets or sets whether multiple row/cell selection is enabled. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ShowAutoFilterRow Gets or sets whether the Auto Filter Row is displayed. This is a dependency property.
ShowColumnHeaders Gets or sets whether a grid displays column headers. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ShowCriteriaInAutoFilterRow Gets or sets whether or not to display the criteria selector buttons in the Auto Filter Row for all columns. This is a dependency property.
ShowFilterPanelMode Gets or sets when the Filter Panel is displayed within a grid. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ShowFixedTotalSummary Gets or sets whether or not the Fixed Summary Panel is displayed within the grid. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ShowGroupedColumns Gets or sets whether the grouped columns are displayed within a grid. This is a dependency property. Inherited from GridControlBase.
ShowGroupPanel Gets or sets a value specifying whether the Group Panel is displayed. Inherited from GridControlBase.
ShowIndicator Gets or sets whether to show the Row Indicator Panel.
ShowLoadingPanel Inherited from DataControlBase.
ShowSearchPanelMode Gets or sets when the Search Panel is shown within the grid. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ShowTotalSummary Gets or sets whether to display the total summary panel. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ShowValidationAttributeErrors Gets or sets whether or not error icons are displayed within cells that fail validation specified by the Data Annotations attribute(s). This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
SummariesIgnoreNullValues Gets or sets whether null values must be ignored when calculating data summaries. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
TopRowIndex Gets or sets the index of the top visible row. Inherited from DataControlBase.
TotalSummary Provides access to a collection of total summary items.
TotalSummaryContentStyle Gets or sets the style applied to total summary items displayed within a View. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
TotalSummaryData Gets information about the total summary. Inherited from DataControlBase.
TotalSummaryItemTemplate Gets or sets the template that defines the presentation of total summary items. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
ValidationError Provides access to the object, which contains information about the validation error. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
VirtualizingCacheHeight Gets or sets the height of buffer areas above and below the visible area of the grid to be rendered. Inherited from DataControlBase.
VirtualizingCacheWidth Gets or sets the width of buffer areas above and below the visible area of the grid to be rendered. This is a dependency property. Inherited from DataControlBase.
VisibleColumns Gets the list of visible columns. This is a dependency property. Inherited from GridControlBase.
VisibleRowCount Gets the total number of rows displayed within the grid. Inherited from DataControlBase.
See Also