GridControl.AllowCascadeUpdate Property
Gets or sets whether cascading data updates are allowed in GridControl. This is a dependency property.
Namespace: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Grid
Assembly: DevExpress.UI.Xaml.Grid.v21.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Uwp.Controls
public DefaultBoolean AllowCascadeUpdate { get; set; }
#Property Value
Type |
Default |
Available values:
Name | Description |
True | Corresponds to a Boolean value of true. |
False | Corresponds to a Boolean value of false. |
Default | The value is determined by a control’s current setting. The default value is automatically set for a control if an end-user doesn’t specify a value. |
The Cascading Data Updates feature is aimed to keep GridControl responsive during data loading and speed up the performance while scrolling data rows. Initially, when an end user scrolls grid rows, the grid synchronously loads all rows that should be displayed onscreen. With the enabled cascading data updates, visible rows are asynchronously loaded. To enable this feature, set the AllowCascadeUpdate property to true.