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RangeControlClientBase Members

The base class for objects that can be embedded into the RangeControl.


Name Description
RangeControlClientBase() Initializes a new instance of the RangeControlClientBase class with default settings.


Name Description
AllowGroupingProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.AllowGrouping dependency property.
DisplayMemberProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.DisplayMember dependency property.
EndProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.End dependency property.
GroupingHeightProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.GroupingHeight dependency property.
GroupIntervalFactoryProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.GroupIntervalFactory dependency property.
IntervalFactoriesProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.IntervalFactories dependency property.
ItemIntervalFactoryProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.ItemIntervalFactory dependency property.
ItemIntervalsPaddingProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.ItemIntervalsPadding dependency property.
ItemsSourceProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.ItemsSource dependency property.
MaxItemWidthProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.MaxItemWidth dependency property.
MinItemWidthProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.MinItemWidth dependency property.
SelectionEndProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.SelectionEnd dependency property.
SelectionStartProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.SelectionStart dependency property.
StartProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.Start dependency property.
ValueMemberProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.ValueMember dependency property.
VisibleEndProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.VisibleEnd dependency property.
VisibleStartProperty static Identifies the RangeControlClientBase.VisibleStart dependency property.


Name Description
AllowGrouping Gets or sets whether the group items are displayed within the client.
ClientSize Returns the client dimensions.
DisplayMember Gets or sets a field name in the bound data source whose values are displayed by the editor. This is a dependency property.
End Specifies the end boundary of a range.
GroupingHeight Gets or sets the height of the group items. This is a dependency property.
GroupIntervalFactory Gets or sets the interval factory of the currently displayed group items.
IntervalFactories Gets or sets the collection of objects that define the available intervals and formatting rules applied to them. This is a dependency property.
ItemIntervalFactory Gets or sets the object that defines the available intervals and formatting rules applied to them. This is a dependency property.
ItemIntervalsPadding Gets or sets the padding around interval items. This is a dependency property.
ItemsSource Gets or sets the range control items source.
MaxItemWidth Gets or sets the maximum item width that can be set when resizing or zooming the RangeControl viewport. This is a dependency property.
MinItemWidth Gets or sets the minimum item width that can be set when resizing or zooming the RangeControl viewport. This is a dependency property.
RenderBounds Gets the range control render boundary.
SelectionEnd This property specifies the end boundary of the selected range.
SelectionStart This property specifies the start boundary of the selected range.
Start Specifies the start boundary of a range.
ValueMember Gets or sets a field name in the bound data source whose values are represented by the Range Control. This is a dependency property.
VisibleEnd This property specifies the end boundary of the visible range.
VisibleStart This property specifies the start boundary of the visible range.

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Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
LayoutChanged Fires when the layout of items within the range control is changed.
See Also