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Built-in Progress Bar

  • 4 minutes to read


You are viewing documentation for the legacy DXSplashScreen. We recommend that you use the Splash Screen Manager or the SplashScreenManagerService to add the splash screen functionality to your applications.

Built-in Progress Bar

A default splash screen contains a marquee progress bar, which continuously changes its progress. When you manually display/close DXSplashScreen, you can set its display mode to regular where the progress changes between 0 and 100. To change a display mode to regular and to step through progress, use the static DXSplashScreen.Progress(double value) method.

for(int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {

You can use the DXSplashScreen.SetState method to pass custom information to a splash screen. The example below demonstrates how to use this method.


This example shows how to manually invoke and close DXSplashScreen.By default, DXSplashScreen contains a progress bar, indicating the progress of the application load. This example also shows how you can manually change the progress in code.

View Example

<UserControl x:Class="DXSplashScreenSample.SplashScreenView"
             d:DataContext="{x:Static dx:SplashScreenViewModel.DesignTimeData}"
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
        <Grid x:Name="Splash" Width="450" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="0">
            <Grid x:Name="Back">
                <Border Background="Black" CornerRadius="3" Opacity="0.15"/>
                <Border CornerRadius="2" Margin="1" Background="White"/>
            <Grid x:Name="Content_Area" Margin="12">
                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                    <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                <Image x:Name="Image" Source="Image.png" Stretch="None"/>
                <TextBlock x:Name="Info" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="{Binding State}" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,12,12,0" Foreground="#FF2D2D2D"/>
                <ProgressBar x:Name="progressBar" 
                             IsIndeterminate="{Binding IsIndeterminate}"
                             Value="{Binding Progress}"
                             Maximum="{Binding MaxProgress}"/>
                <DockPanel x:Name="Footer" Grid.Row="3" Margin="12,20,12,4">
                    <TextBlock x:Name="Footer_Text" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Copyright © 1998-2015" Opacity="0.5" Foreground="#FF2D2D2D" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
                    <Image x:Name="Logotype" DockPanel.Dock="Right" Source="Logo.png" Stretch="None" HorizontalAlignment="Right"  />
See Also