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How to: Specify distribution functions for ZIndexes and positions of items along the path

  • 3 minutes to read

This example demonstrates how to specify distribution functions that affect:

- the positions of items along the path

- the ZIndexes of the itemsIf a path is specified by the ItemMovingPath property, the CarouselPanel's items are evenly arranged along the path. To arrange the items at uneven intervals, specify your own distribution function via the OffsetDistributionFunction property. In this example, a quadratic function is assigned to this property. Therefore, the items will be arranged according to a square law.The CarouselPanel's elements are displayed above or below other elements along the Z axis. By default, the ZIndexes correlate with the order in which the elements are declared, so that the last declared element always overlaps the preceding elements. To change this behavior, you can control an element's ZIndex property by specifying a distribution function for ZIndexes. In this example, this is accomplished as follows:

1) Creating a custom parameter (ZIndexParameter) in the CarouselPanel.ParameterSet collection.

2) Specifying a distribution function for this parameter. The function used represents a triangular function, defined in CarouselPanel resources and identified by the Linear3PConvexERIntMax id. According to this function, elements at the middle of the path have higher ZIndexes than the elements at the beginning and end of the path.

3) Binding an element's ZIndex attached property to the custom parameter.

The following image shows the result:


View Example

<dxca:CarouselPanel AttractorPointIndex="6" VisibleItemCount="10" x:Name="myCarousel" PathPadding="10">
        <PathGeometry Figures="M 0,0L 100,0" />
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {ComponentResourceKey TypeInTargetAssembly={x:Type dxca:CarouselPanel}, ResourceId=advancedCarouselItemStyle}}">
            <!--Bind a button's Panel.ZIndex attached property to the ZIndexParameter custom parameter-->
            <Setter Property="Panel.ZIndex" Value="{Binding Path=(dxca:CarouselPanel.Parameters).ZIndexParameter, Converter={local:DoubleToIntConverter},RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" />
            <Setter Property="Opacity" Value="1" />

            <!--Define a custom parameter that specifies a distribution function for an element's ZIndex property-->
            <!--The distribution function is defined in DXCarousel resources and 
                  identified by the Linear3PConvexERIntMax id, -->
            <dxca:Parameter Name="ZIndexParameter" DistributionFunction="{StaticResource {ComponentResourceKey TypeInTargetAssembly={x:Type dxca:CarouselPanel}, ResourceId=Linear3PConvexERIntMax}}" />

    <!--Specify a distribution function for positions of items along the path-->
        <local:MySqrFunc />

    <Button Content="0" />
    <Button Content="1" />
    <Button Content="2" />
    <Button Content="3" />
    <Button Content="4" />
    <Button Content="5" />
    <Button Content="6" />
    <Button Content="7" />
    <Button Content="8" />
    <Button Content="9" />