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TcxCustomGridView.StoreToStorage(string,TcxCustomWriterClass,Boolean,TcxGridStorageOptions,string,string) Method

Saves View-specific information to a custom storage.


procedure StoreToStorage(const AStorageName: string; AWriterClass: TcxCustomWriterClass; AReCreate: Boolean = True; AOptions: TcxGridStorageOptions = []; const ASaveViewName: string = ''; const AOwnerName: string = '');


Name Type
AStorageName string
AWriterClass TcxCustomWriterClass
AReCreate Boolean
AOptions TcxGridStorageOptions
ASaveViewName string
AOwnerName string


This method is similar to the StoreToIniFile, StoreToRegistry, and StoreToStream methods that allow you to save View-specific information to an INI file, registry, or stream. Unlike these methods, you can use the AWriterClass parameter to specify the class name of a TcxCustomWriter descendant, which writes data to a custom storage (for instance, an XML file). Examples of a TcxCustomWriter descendant include TcxIniFileWriter, TcxRegistryWriter, and TcxStreamWriter, which are used by the above-mentioned methods. Refer to the descriptions of these methods to learn about other method parameters.

To restore View-specific information from a custom storage, call the RestoreFromStorage method.

To customize the list of the View’s properties saved to a custom storage, handle the OnGetStoredProperties and OnGetStoredPropertyValue events.

See Also