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TcxCustomGridView.RestoreFromStorage(string,TcxCustomReaderClass,Boolean,Boolean,TcxGridStorageOptions,string,string) Method

Restores View-specific information from a custom storage.


procedure RestoreFromStorage(const AStorageName: string; AReaderClass: TcxCustomReaderClass; AChildrenCreating: Boolean = True; AChildrenDeleting: Boolean = False; AOptions: TcxGridStorageOptions = [gsoUseFilter, gsoUseSummary]; const ARestoreViewName: string = ''; const AOwnerName: string = '');


Name Type
AStorageName string
AReaderClass TcxCustomReaderClass
AChildrenCreating Boolean
AChildrenDeleting Boolean
AOptions TcxGridStorageOptions
ARestoreViewName string
AOwnerName string


This method is similar to the RestoreFromIniFile, RestoreFromRegistry, and RestoreFromStream methods that allow you to restore View-specific information from an INI file, registry, or stream. Unlike these methods, you can use the AReaderClass parameter to specify the class name of a TcxCustomReader descendant, which reads data from custom storage (for instance, an XML file). Examples of a TcxCustomReader descendant include TcxIniFileReader, TcxRegistryReader, and TcxStreamReader that are used by the above-mentioned methods. Refer to the descriptions of these methods to learn about other method parameters.

To customize the list of the View’s properties restored from a custom storage, handle the OnSetStoredPropertyValue event.


You can handle the OnInitStoredObject event to properly initialize the object, which corresponds to the re-created View element (provided that the RestoreFromStorage method is called with True passed for the AChildrenCreating parameter) by re-associating its events with existing event handlers and assigning its properties.

See Also